Creating Fully
Devoted Followers
Of Jesus
The mission of the Tintern Church of Christ is to develop followers of Jesus together for the benefit of the world. Everything we do is oriented to accomplish that task through the work of the Holy Spirit in our midst. The vision for our church family is to accomplish this mission by being a people of peace to the Town of Lincoln.
Join us for worship every Sunday at 9:45am at 4359 Spring Creek Road or Join Us Online.

What to Expect
Our weekly worship services begin Sunday morning at 9:45am. They are dress casual and in the A Capella style (without instrumental accompaniment). We are part of the Stone-Campbell Movement. After worship we get caught up on each other’s lives during a time of fellowship and refreshment. After that there are Bible classes for all ages. Fellowship Groups (small groups of about 40-60 people) meet for potluck lunch monthly on Sundays throughout the year. On 1st and 3rd Sunday evenings we have an additional Sunday devotional at 6:00 pm. You are welcome to visit any time.

Ministry Connection For All
At Tintern, the vibe is casual, the people are friendly and there is no dress code. We don’t pretend to have it all together and we don’t expect you to either. You will be welcomed and invited to participate at the level of your comfort and will never be singled out or asked to do anything awkward or embarrassing. We have a “come early; stay late” culture, so consider showing up a little early or sticking around after the service to enjoy free coffee and meet other people just like you.

Fellowship Groups
We value the close relationships that are built through smaller groups of believers. If you would like to go more in depth with your spiritual life, we recommend checking into our small group ministry options to find a place to plug in. Check the link for more information and contact details for the staff member in charge of small groups.

Taking the command to “make disciples as you go,” the missions ministry is the place where we look to for those that practice disciple making outside of our local community. Tintern in involved supporting the work of people from Detroit to Zambia, Quebec to Papua New Guinea and other places in between. Select the link above for more information.

Our Stories of God’s Work in Our Community
At Tintern, we believe our God is actively moving by His Spirit through His people to provide healing, breakthrough, restoration, and blessing, and here you’ll read about some of the incredible ways He has moved in and through those in our church. We know God doesn’t play favourites, and we hope you’ll allow these stories to encourage your faith and inspire you to believe Him for the miraculous in your life and the lives of others.

Justine shares her story of coming to faith, of blessing and loss.
In times of trial the love of God showed up through the love of these people... (1 John 4: 12)
Justine Mogford

What We Believe
We believe that this world was created by a loving God, and it has since fallen into sin and rebellion. We each participate in this rebellion, sometimes willfully and sometimes accidentally, but through repentance and a saving faith in God’s son Jesus we can all be set free from our bondage to sin and death. We are baptised into a church family that seeks to become an authentic community of disciples of Jesus and we would love to help you in that pursuit as well. We believe that the Bible is authoritative and is God’s word to us, a witness, and a testimony of the Holy Spirit.

A Fallen World
Sickness, illness, violence, and strife are all evidence that this world is now not what it was originally made to be.
A Loving God
God’s loving character is made known through Jesus Christ as revealed in the Bible. God’s greatest desire is to reconcile the world to Himself, and God invites us to participate in that renewal.
An Enduring Hope
Our hope is not found in our newly reformed behaviour but in God’s finished reconciliation accomplished on the cross. Fellowship in Christian community reminds us of our God-given identity and the joy we find in Jesus Christ—both now and in the world to come.