eBulletin   -   Aug 10, 2023

August 10, 2023 eBulletin


Prayers - For Tintern's prayer list, check out our website www.tinternchurchofchrist.ca. The "Prayer Hub" button (top right corner or click here) is where you will find our list of prayers. You can also add prayers.

Kids Coin Collection - This Sunday is our coin collection. Our kids are going to help collect the money for the kids we are sponsoring. We are sponsoring two children through Christian Relief Fund, Gabriela J. (from Piedras Negras, Mexico) and Ambar G. (from Tegucigalpa, Honduras) as well as CityKidz. You can also etransfer money to tinternpayables@gmail.com, in the message box be sure to let us know that the funds are for the kids collection.  

Teacher Drive - Join our team of volunteer Sunday School teachers for the coming school year! The sign-up board is available in the Auditorium for teaching/helping in children's classes for the Fall, Winter, and Spring quarters. Thank you for your willingness to share the Bible with our kids and develop their knowledge of the gospel. If you have any questions contact Megan.

Friday Night Connect August 11 - You're invited to a beach party on Friday August 11th at 50 Point Conservation Area (1479 Baseline Rd, Hamilton). Games and activities on the beach start at 7pm (you're welcome to come early though and have a picnic or a swim). Bring any blankets, towels, chairs or beach toys you think you might need. Snacks will be provided. Park entry is free (just tell the people at the gate you're here with Noel W.). Follow the red line on the attached map and we'll see you on the beach. If you have any questions talk to Noel or Megan.

Camp Omagh Bible Give Away - During Week 4 at Omagh this year Devin and Noel and the Bible teachers will be giving away brand new study Bibles to any kid that doesnt have one. If you would like to contribute toward this year's Bible giveaway let Noel know. All gifts are welcome.

River's Edge Haven of Hope's Open House - Everyone is invited to join them on Saturday, August 19th 10 a.m-2 pm. See flyer below for more information.

Village of Hope - Our next Food & Funds Drive is Coming Soon, quickly - PORCH PICKUP FOOD DRIVE in Vineland-Jordan, Summer Share Saturday August 26 10AM-12PM — We Make a Village by the Care We Share. For food donation inspiration please see https://villageofhopeniagara.org/foodbank for ideas of needed products. August Is "Harvest of Hope" month at Village of Hope Niagara. We're raising funds, support, and awareness of food insecurity in our community, to alleviate hunger, where 1 in 6 among our neighbours (1 in 5 children) are going without each month, - skipping meals, and missing nutrition. When children, seniors, whole families in our community are affected, we're all impacted.

Church in the Park - Join us September 3rd at Charles Daley Park for Church in the Park. It has been requested that everyone should bring at least two large dishes to share (reminder, there is NO electricity). Please NO peanuts and label food that contains nuts, is Gluten free or diary free. Food should be brought from home ready to go. Beamsville Church of Christ will also be joining us. Please label your containers so that items left behind will find their way home again. Speak to Bethany W. or Margaret  A. if you have any questions regarding food. Remember to invite friends/family. Invitations to hand out to family and friends will be in your mailbox at Tintern. A digital copy is below.

Family Feud - It's time to prepare for our second annual Tintern Family Feud! (Our first one being way back in 2019!) For our September FNC on Friday September 8 at 7pm, we will be playing a congregation-wide game of Family Feud. In order to play, we need at least 100 people to fill out the survey. Members and visitors of ALL AGES are encouraged to fill out a form (one form per person). You can access the survey here.  

Stoney Creek Church of Christ - Stoney Creek is hosting a 6-week course on Domestic Abuse in the Church, in association with the Centre for the Study of Bible and Violence. Thursdays from 7-9pm. beginning September 7. Pay-what-you-can with a suggested donation of $10. 105 King St. E, Stoney Creek. Contact Glen R for more details.

44th Annual Southern Ontario Men’s Retreat - All men -- young, old, and in-between -- are encouraged to attend the 44th annual Southern Ontario Men’s Retreat at Camp Omagh in Milton, ON, September 8th-9th. Hosted by the men of the Waterloo church of Christ. Fee: $20 cash at the door (no discount for one-day attendance). RSVP before midnight on Tuesday, September 5th. 

The event begins with a BBQ at 5:00 PM on Friday evening, September 8th, and continues through Saturday afternoon, September 9th. Speakers: Samson Ling, Jamie Azzoparde, Jose Santoyo.

This year we will be considering ways to be effective in making disciples of the generations in our congregations. Consider joining us for the full retreat or even for one of the days. For more information, visit the Facebook Event page

Save the Date - Sunday September 24 following morning worship (while the kids are in class) we will have a baby "shower" for Victoria and Caleb R.. If you would like to make a donation to a group gift you can send an e-transfer to Ainsely R. at ainsleyramey@gmail.com or give cash to Julie or Margaret by September 17. Victoria and Caleb are registered at myregistry.com if you would like to purchase anything for them.

Tintern Book Club - Our book club is going to be reading Richard Rohr's book "Breathing Under Water: Spirituality and the Twelve Steps" It's a discussion of the intersection between the gospel and the twelve step process used by AA and NA. Contact Noel (noel@tinternchurchofchrist.ca) if you are interested. Or you can join the Facebook group by clicking on this link: https://facebook.com/qr/1506607500163076

We will gather on Friday October 20th at 7pm to discuss the book and share our thoughts (location TBA). Questions? reach out to Noel.

Accommodations Help 
  1. A young woman, recently hired to work at the Great Lakes preschool, is looking for accommodations. A room, shared accommodations or small apartment would be suitable. If you are aware of any place available, please contact Becky C.
  2. Hannah K. is relocating to Niagara (she is the daughter of Jim & Kim K.). If you know of a one-bedroom apartment, please respond to this eBulletin to be put in touch with Hannah.  
From Sandy - Would there be anyone at Tintern who likes cats, is not allergic, and does not mind a rambunctious kitten - who would be willing to stay at Sandy's home in Smithville with 'Buddy', from August 20 through August 25   resilient979@gmail.com OR 905-957-5474

Great Cycle Challenge Canada - Riding to Fight Kids Cancer - I'm riding 200 km this August in the Great Cycle Challenge to fight kids' cancer! Because cancer is the largest killer of children from disease in Canada. Over 1,700 Canadian children are diagnosed with cancer every year. Kids should be living life, not fighting for it.
Please make a donation to support my challenge and save little lives. Simply click the link below to view my fundraising page: 

All funds raised from the event will be used to fight kids' cancer to help children across Canada who are bravely fighting this terrible disease.
Thank you for your support. David P.     Rider ID: 7653 
Back to School Programs
  1. Grimsby Benevolent Fund - Last year we were thrilled to have groups, individuals, and Grimsby families partner with us for our back to school program. The donations that arrived throughout the summer was amazing! Would you consider joining in on the fun of collecting school supplies, shoes, and snacks for a purpose? Items can be dropped off at our receiving doors at the back of the retail store or brought to the cash. Online donations can be made by clicking here.
  2. Community Care of West Niagara - The Back-to-School program provides a backpack filled with school supplies to children and youth from low-income families. Our backpack comes fully equipped with grade specific supplies needed for each child to be successful at school. We also work in partnership with CTFS Jumpstart Sneaker program in providing a new pair of sneakers so that kids can be active in school. With the cost of living what it is today, our assistance program will ease a lot of already-tight budgets and will ensure that children go back to school with their head held high! To make an online donations click here.
  3. Village of Hope - With more than 400 Lincoln children enrolled in our Back To School program (registration remains open until August 31) your donations will make a dramatic difference in our community this Fall. Please donate at villageofhopeniagara.org/back-to-school. Donations ensure that these children will receive school supplies, healthy snacks throughout the year, new shoes, and haircuts, for their year ahead. Donor support is needed from our community - Donate for our internet supplement - Donate for school supplies - Sponsor a child for $50

What Are Tintern Kids Praying For?

Grade 1 & Under
Lucy: praying to have a good week

Grades 2-3
Elet: praying to play while at my soccer game
Claire: praying to have a good week camping
Taryn: praying to have a good sleepover tonight with friends
Ruby: praying for Jeff Whitfield to feel better
Joe: praying for my family
Ms. Becky: praying for the Mowatt family
Mrs. Kennedy: praying for safe travels for everyone on the road

Grades 4-5
Allie: praying that my grandparents get their car back
Lawson: praying for Micah 6
Lochlan: praying that we cross the border easily
Gwen: praying that Jeff Whitfield gets better
Ms. Bethany: praying that my father-in-law gets his surgery for his hip
Ms. Colleen: thankful for a good holiday

Upcoming Events

Aug 11 @ 6pm      Friday Night Connect @ Lakeside Park in Port Dalhousie
Sep 3                    Church in the Park (Charles Daley Park)
Sep 8 @ 7pm        Family Feud (see more information above)
Sep 8-9                 44th Annual Southern Ontario Men’s Retreat @ Camp Omagh
Sep 10                  Promotion Sunday
Sep 16                  Annual End of Season Celebration BBQ - Camp Omagh
Sep 24                  Baby Shower for Victoria & Caleb Ramey

eBulletin - If you have anything for the bulletin please send the information to tinternchurchofchrist@gmail.com.

Tintern in Person and Online - Join us this Sunday for in-person service at 9:45 am.  To watch live on our website click here https://www.tinternchurchofchrist.ca/watch. It will go live about 9:45 Sunday morning. You can always find us on Tintern's YouTube channel as well (https://www.youtube.com/user/tinterncofc).  

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