Tintern Ebulletin
Join us this Sunday for in-person service at 9:45 am. If you are feeling unwell, please remain at home. Masks are optional, however Niagara Region Public Health recommends residents wear a mask in indoor spaces.
PNG Potluck & Mission Report at the Beamsville Church of Christ - Dec 2 - Potluck Supper and presentation by Ruth Zimmerman on her work in Papua New Guinea to be held in the fellowship hall at the Beamsville Church of Christ. Supper is planned to start at 5:30pm and Ruth's presentation around 7. Contact Janet Cope at 905-563-1651 to let her know you will be attending.
Kids Coin Collection - This Sunday is our coin collection. Once again our kids are going to help collect the money for the kids we are sponsoring. We are sponsoring two children through Christian Relief Fund, Gabriela Jordan (from Piedras Negras, Mexico) and Ambar Gonzales (from Tegucigalpa, Honduras). You can also etransfer money to tinternpayables@gmail.com, in the message box be sure to let us know that the funds are for the kids collection.
Tintern Book Club - If you are a book reader you're invited to join us for an evening of conversation about Phillip Yancey's Inspirational Memoir "Where the Light Fell". We are going to meet on Friday Dec 9th at 7pm to discuss the book. There's still time to join in. If you have any questions contact Margaret for details.
Christmas Schedule - On Sunday Dec 25 we are planning a special worship service at 10am. There are no kids classes to follow. On New Years Day Jan 1 we will also have a devotional beginning at 10am. Midweek Bible Study on Wed Dec 28 and Wed Jan 4 are both cancelled.
From the Finance Ministry - The 2023 budget will be formally presented and voted on Sunday, December 11, 2022 during adult class time.
Celebration of the Season - Join us Sunday December 18 at 6 pm for Tintern's Celebration of the Season. Don Rose will be leading the EPIC class in a presentation for us. Please bring table ready fruit trays, veggie trays, cheese and cracker trays and/or goodies. Coffee, tea, hot chocolate and other cold drinks will be available. We are looking forward to celebrating this special time together. Any questions, see Bethany Wirkkunen or Margaret Ayala.
Children's Christmas Choir - Looking for some of our Tintern Kid's to join our Christmas choir. We will be singing a melody of songs at our Celebration of the Season on December 18th at 6:00pm. Practices will be December 11th and 18th during the sermon. Please let Crystal know if your child is interested and she'll send you the music to start practicing.
Village of Hope - This year we are privileged to team up with Village of Hope to help many families this Christmas season. We are collecting:
- personal care items
- Socks/underwear
- Pyjamas
- Cleaning/laundry supplies
- Children’s toys/board games
- Grocery gift cards
They are in dire need of these items. We will collect all donations (unwrapped) under the Christmas tree in the foyer November 30th- December 18th. Thank you for helping us serve our neighbours and community in need. If you have any questions please speak to Crystal.
Be a Good Neighbour - Remember to check in with family, friends and neighbours. Also, local food banks are increasingly in need of food. Watch out for info regarding food drives in your area.
Prayers - For Tintern's prayer list, check out our website www.tinternchurchofchrist.ca. In the "Prayer Hub" button (top right corner or click here) is where you will find our list of prayers. You can also add prayers.
What are our Tintern Kids Praying For
Grade 1 & Under Sunday Morning Class
Knox- thankful for Opa
Lydia- thankful for Mommy and Daddy
Lucy- thankful for help tying her shoes
Grades 2 & 3 Sunday Morning Class
Grades 2 & 3 Sunday Morning Class
Taryn- praying for healing for Aunt Marcia
Claire- praying her brother has a good birthday party
Elet- praying he doesn't have a concussion
Ruby- praying her brother wins his basketball game
Aiden- praying for his friend to have a good time in Hawaii
Miranda- praying her Dad's surgery goes well
Hailey- praying it doesn't rain when she goes to get her Christmas tree
Grades 4 & 5 Sunday Morning Class
Grades 4 & 5 Sunday Morning Class
Allison- prays her ears stay healthy and that Dana's arm heals
Gwen- praying for her family going to the cottage to celebrate Christmas
Peyton- praying to go out for dinner with Grandpa, Dad and brother
Lawson- praying for safe travels to Vermont
Grade 1 and under Wednesday Evening Class
Grade 1 and under Wednesday Evening Class
Thank you God for giving me the things I need like...
Knox- lots of good foods for supper like french fries, fish and salad and a place to live.
Miss.Crystal- great friends and family. Warm house.
Grades 2-5 Wednesday Evening Class
Miss.Crystal- great friends and family. Warm house.
Grades 2-5 Wednesday Evening Class
Dear God, thank you for being..
Lochlan- helpful Hailey- loving
Elet- taking the risk of killing your own son
Claire- loving
Allie- kind. Also please help my cousin Joylynn's cheer to go well
Gwen- loving Aiden- creative in making the world.
Upcoming Events:
December 11 - 2023 Proposed Budget Meeting (during adult class time)
December 18 - Celebration of the Season @ 6pm
December 25 - Worship @ 10am (no classes)
January 1 - Worship @ 10am (no classes)