eBulletin   -   Feb 20, 2025

February 20, 2025 eBulletin


Prayers - For Tintern's prayer list, check out our website www.tinternchurchofchrist.ca. The "Prayer Hub" button (top right corner or click here) is where you will find our list of prayers. You can also add prayers.

Please send your submissions for the eBulletin to tinternchurchofchrist@gmail.com.  

Winter Storms - In case of bad weather, be sure to check your email before you leave in case the decision to close the building has been made. If there is no email then the building will be open and services will be held. Of course we leave the decision as to whether you feel comfortable to drive up, to you. Our livestream should (hopefully) be running. You can find that on YouTube or on our website. Click one of the links below


Mud Season - With the wet and/or snowy weather, the parking lot becomes muddy! Please wipe off your shoes when you enter the building on the mats provided. Parents encourage your children to do the same. Also, the exit door at the back of the Fellowship Hall is not an entry door. There are no mats there to remove mud/dirt/snow from shoes. Please re-enter through the main doors. Thank you!

  1. Condolences to Laurena and Ralph T on the passing of Laurena's mom. Click here to read her obituary and see the details.
  2. The funeral for Lawrence W's brother, John, will held on February 22 at 11 a.m. Click here for the livestream link.
Safe Families Niagara - Please join us for a fundraiser and information night on March 22, 2024 @5:30 pm here at the building. Tickets must be purchased in advance. Click here to purchase tickets online or use the QR Code in the invitation below. If you would prefer to pay for your tickets in cash (exact amount) see Margaret on Sunday. An invitation will be in your mailbox and a copy is below.

Urgent Relocation Need - Daniel and Helene Masambuko are in need of your help. Helene's parents and her four brothers arrived as refugees in Canada in early 2024 and were initially placed in Halifax (sponsored by the Canadian government rather than any church group). Their support has run out and Helene's brothers have not been able to secure employment. There are two ways you can help:  

We are taking up a special collection on Sun Mar 2nd to help cover the cost of relocating them here in the Niagara area, closer to family. Please mark any contributions you make to "Masambuko Relocation". You can etransfer to tinternchurchofchrist@gmail.com, make a gift on the Tintern Website (https://tinternchurchofchrist.ca/give), or bring cash or cheque on Sun Mar 2nd.
Another way you can help is by joining a support committee (like we had for the Faham Katan family) to assist Helene's brothers in registering with Ontario Works, acquiring some practice with English, and finding employment in the Niagara area. Contact Roger Perry for details in how you can help. 

Please pray for the family as they try to find a place to rent in the area.

Micah 6 Trip - This year's trip to Micah 6 will be May 15-18 (leaving in the evening on the 15th and returning late on the 18th). Anyone is welcome to come. If you'd like to join, let Megan know by March 9. If you have any questions, please see Megan.

GL Youth Rally - The Youth Rally is open to those in grades 6 to 12. The dates are April 25 & 26. Early registration ends March 31 but registration will still be open. For more details see the invitation below.

The Unbreakable Boy - The first faith film theatrical release of 2025 (February 21, 2025) is The Unbreakable Boy. Based on a true story, The Unbreakable Boy, invites you to experience Austin’s unique perspective on life - one that transforms everyone around him. Click here to watch the trailer. Starring Zachary Levi (Shazam), Meghann Fahy (The White Lotus), and Patricia Heaton (The Middle), this powerful film explores family, resilience, and the triumph of an unbreakable spirit. When his parents, Scott and Teresa, learn that Austin is both autistic and has brittle bone disease, they initially worry about their son’s future. But with Scott’s growing faith and Austin’s incredible spirit, they become “unbreakable,” finding joy, gratitude, and courage even in the most trying times. For Canadian Theatres click here.

Picture Bulletin Board - Thanks to those that have sent in their new pictures. If you have a recent family picture send it to Margaret.

Nonperishable Items - "Blessed are those whose help is the God of Jacob, whose hope is in the Lord their God. He is the Maker of heaven and earth, the sea, and everything in them—he remains faithful forever. He upholds the cause of the oppressed and gives food to the hungry." Psalm 146:5-7(a)   Tintern will continue to collect non-perishable items. Thank you for everything donated in the month of January. For the month of February please bring in birthday items. Think cake mixes, icing, candles, sprinkles and cupcake papers. Any non-perishable items gladly accepted!

Participation - If you would like to participate in A/V ministry, song leading, praying, sharing communion thoughts, reading scripture, family time announcements or teaching/ helping in the Sunday School/Wednesday night program, please reply to this email or speak to NoelMegan or Margaret

Newsletters - Attached is a newsletter from Habitat for Humanity.

Upcoming Events:

Mar 8       Men's Breakfast 8am @ Tintern
Mar 16     Annual General Meeting @ 1pm
Mar 22    Safe Families Dinner 5:30 @ Tintern
Mar 29    Niagara Ladies Day

safe-familes-2025-spring-family-fundraiser1-4.jpg 2025 GL Youth Rally.jpg

2025 02 17 Habitat for Humanity.pdf QR Code for Auditorium.jpg