eBulletin   -   Jan 11, 2024

January 11, 2024 eBulletin


Prayers - For Tintern's prayer list, check out our website www.tinternchurchofchrist.ca. The "Prayer Hub" button (top right corner or click here) is where you will find our list of prayers. You can also add prayers.

Volunteers Needed - We are looking for a volunteer A/V coordiator who can organize training for our teen and preteen volunteers as well as some oversight of the equipment at the back of the auditorium. Contact Noel if you would like to contribute in this way in 2024!

Praise Team Binders - Attention Tintern artists. We are in the process of updating the praise team binders and hope to have printed copies available in the new year. We are looking for someone to provide a drawing for the cover page. It needs to be black line art. The lines need to be dark/heavy as we will be scanning and printing the art for the cover page. If you are interested please speak to Noel or Margaret.

Giving More in 2024 - Thank you to everyone who has donated so far! Keep bringing in your non-perishables.

Boxes - If you have any medium to large size boxes that we could use to transport the non-perishable items that we collect we could use those boxes. Bring them to the building and Margaret will store them until they are used. Thanks.

New for 2024 - Intergenerational Midweek Bible Study - Yesterday we tried an exciting new way of studying the Bible together that we are going to do the next several weeks. Our kids in Kindergarten up to Grade 8 will have an opportunity to share a Bible story with the adult class after which we will have a chance to ask each other questions and do some follow up activities. It is a chance for us to help each other learn about God and learn about the kids in our congregation. Contact Noel for more details.

February Friday Night Connect - We are looking for a host for February's FNC. It will be on February 9 from 7-9pm. If you're interested, please see Megan.

Free Indeed: Men's Conference February 2-3, 2024 - Hope Bible Church is hosting a satellite site of the Free Indeed Men's Conference in St. Catharines. Friday night session begins at 7pm with a full program including Breakfast on Saturday. You can get more details here: https://hopeoakville.ca/free-indeed/. Conference cost is $45 and you can register online here: (https://brushfire.com/hopebiblechurchoakville/niagarafreeindeedmensconference2024/566979). Contact Jeff Whitfield if you're interested in going (maybe we can facilitate rides)

The Faham Katan Family - Update: Moamar’s surgery is scheduled for Monday, January 15. Please pray for Samia, Moamar and the family as they deal with a lot of change for their family. Pray for Raneem as she settles in to living at Bethesda. Pray for a good living situation for her. Pray for healing for Moamar's back after his surgery. Perhaps you could visit the family and provide some encouragement firsthand. Contact Roger Perry or Noel if you would like to help out.

Micah 6 Trip - This year's Micah 6 trip will be May 2 - 5. Anyone from the congregation is welcome to join. More information to come.

BDC Preplanning Meeting - If you would like to be involved in the planning of this year's Bible Day Camp (Hometown Nazareth: Where Jesus was a Kid) we will have our first meeting on Sunday January 28 following worship. Bring a bagged lunch. If you have any questions contact Margaret.

If You Like to Sing, Come Help Encourage! - Singing at Linhaven with Earl and Jori has been most welcomed and of benefit to everyone there, and we wish for that to continue. Another opportunity to sing with Hugh and Phylliss Kirkland and others at the Mennonite Home is available to us as well. SO PLEASE CONSIDER THE FOLLOWING and put the dates on your calendars:

January 28 - Linhaven
February 25 - Mennonite Home
March 24 - Linhaven
April 28 - Mennonite Home (This could be part of our next Service Sunday)
May 26 - Linhaven
June 23 - Mennonite Home
November 24 - Linhaven
December 15 - Mennonite Home

Bring a bag lunch to those Sunday mornings and we can car pool. Please speak to Sandy McBay.

Camp Omagh 2024 Dates

Jul 2-5: 55+ Retreat - ages 55+
Jul 5-7: Young Adult Weekend - ages 18-25
Jul 8-12: Day Camp #1 - ages 7-13
Jul 15-19: Day Camp #2 - ages 7-13
Jul 21-27: Junior Overnight Camp - ages 8-10
Jul 28-Aug 3: Teen Week - ages 14-17
Aug 4-10: Family Week - all ages
Aug 11-17: First Senior Overnight Camp - ages 11-13
Aug 18-24: Second Senior Overnight Camp - ages 11-13

Strawberry Point Christian Camp 2024 Dates

Day Camp – Ages 6-12: (July 8-12) 
Primary Week (Girls & Boys) – Ages 7-9 (July 14--19) 
Junior Week (Girls & Boys) – Ages 8-10: (July 21--26) 
Senior Week (Girls & Boys) – Ages 10-12: (July 28--August 2) 
Teen Week (Girls & Boys) – Ages 13-16: (August 4--9)
Family Week – All ages: (August 11-16)

To register click here.

Niagara Christian Gleaners - Click the link below to sign up for a Saturday Morning helping the Gleaners. Contact Sandy McBay for more details https://signup.com/go/OyEQOLo.

Newsletters - Copies are attached and posted on bulletin boards in the back foyer.
  1. Being His Hands - A Christmas card has arrived from Joel & Kristin as well as a picture. These will be posted on the Missions' bulletin board near the offices.
  2. Ruth Zimmerman 
  3. Niagara Christian Gleaners

What Are Tintern Kids Praying For

Kindergarten Sunday Class
Lydia: praying that mom & dad have a safe drive back
Lucy: praying that my grandpa will come back alive

Grade 1-3 Sunday Class
Hailey: praying that mom and dad have a safe trip home from the cottage
Claire: praying that mom and dad have a safe drive home and everyone goes back to school safe
Knox: praying for Hailey's birthday
Aiden: praying for a good week at school

Grade 4-5 Sunday Class
Ruby: praying for a good week at school
Miranda: praying for a good start to the school week
Allie: praying for my mom's friend from work, Tammy, to feel better
Ms. Linda: praying for a good trip to Florida
Ms. Megan: praying for my knees, ankles, & feet to be okay when I am running

Wednesday Class
Hailey: praying for snow
Claire: praying my friends’ birthdays go well
Maddie: praying about Papa’s angiogram/stent
Nathan: praying for more sleep
Lucy: thankful I had fun at school
Peter: praying that school goes well in Grade 7
Lochlan: praying for the new vice principal at our school
Allie: praying for my moms friend Tammy to have comfort since her dad passed
Ms Julie: praying for her family because her Aunt Barbara passed
Aiden: praying for snow
Lawson: praying that my cousin’s basketball game goes well
Holly: praying that the rest of the week goes well
Ms. Sandy: praying for family

Upcoming Events:

Jan 28 @noon       BDC Bagged Lunch Preplanning Meeting

2024 01 05 Ruth Zimmerman Newsletter.pdf 2024 01 05 Niagara Christian Gleaners.pdf