Prayers - For Tintern's prayer list, check out our website The "Prayer Hub" button (top right corner or click here) is where you will find our list of prayers. You can also add prayers.
Kids Coin Collection - This Sunday (July 2) is our coin collection. Our kids are going to help collect the money for the kids we are sponsoring. We are sponsoring two children through Christian Relief Fund, Gabriela Jordan (from Piedras Negras, Mexico) and Ambar Gonzales (from Tegucigalpa, Honduras) and also CityKidz in Hamilton. You can also e-transfer money to, in the message box be sure to let us know that the funds are for the kids collection.
Bible Day Camp -
- Please bring in empty paper towel rolls. There is a white bin in Margaret's office where they can be placed.
- We'd like your newspapers. Bring them in. There's a brown plastic bin on the floor in Margaret's office where they can be placed.
- We need your Pampered Chef baking stones. Please bring them to the kitchen on Sunday. Be sure your name is on the bottom.
- It wouldn't be Babylon without any lions. If you have a stuffed lion (or two) that we could borrow for the week, please bring it in. Does anyone happen to have a night cap that we could borrow?
- Are you able to help out Friday (July 7th) at the BBQ? If you can help for about an hour at 11:30 please let Margaret know.
- Finally; BDC is going to be BUSY. We are looking for additional helpers to stay after the BBQ and help us pack up, clean up and put things away. The plan is to get the building ready for worship on Sunday.
Micah 6 - Attached is a newsletter from Micah 6 about their Summer Slam coming up on August 5. A printed copy will be on the Missions' bulletin board near the offices.
Canadian Churches of Christ Historical Society(CCCHS) - Please find attached our spring newsletter for 2023, highlighting our dear late brother Eugene Perry who spent his life in service to God and his fellow man, in Canada and abroad. Eugene was also very active in the early days of the CCCHS, and donated much of what he had accumulated through the decades to the Society and its archive for preservation. Also included in the newsletter are changes on the board, and an announcement of a new project that we are calling 'Living Legacies'. Thank you for your interest in the work of the CCCHS and by extension the work of the Lord in Canada. A printed copy will be on the bulletin board between the washrooms.
Save the Date - On Sunday July 16th, while the kids are in class, we will enjoy some coffee, tea and a cake and "shower" Kristen Whitfield and Matthew Hernandez. If you would like to contribute, cash can be given to either Julie or Margaret and e-transfers to Jodie at
What Are Tintern Kids Praying For?
Grade 1 & Under Sunday Class
God, help me to be patient when...
Cameron: I forget to wait for my turn
Kinsley: I'm sick and have to wait to be better
Knox: I'm at school and want to get home
Lydia: I wait for my brother and sister to get home from school
Lucy: I got my tonsils out
Kinsley: I'm sick and have to wait to be better
Knox: I'm at school and want to get home
Lydia: I wait for my brother and sister to get home from school
Lucy: I got my tonsils out
Upcoming Events
July 3-7 Bible Day Camp
July 9 @ 4pm The Chosen: Episode 7 Ears to Hear
July 16 Bridal Shower for Kristen & Matthew
July 23 @ 4 pm The Chosen: Episode 8: Sustenance
eBulletin - If you have anything for the bulletin please send the information to
Tintern in Person and Online - Join us this Sunday for in-person service at 9:45 am. To watch live on our website click here It will go live about 9:45 Sunday morning. You can always find us on Tintern's YouTube channel as well (
2023 06 Micah 6 - Helping Kids Put Their Best Foot Forward.pdf 2023 Winter-Spring CCCHS Newsletter.pdf