eBulletin Mar 30, 2023
Kids' Worship
This coming Sunday, April 2nd, will be our first Kids’ Worship! Before the sermon, kids Grade 5 and down will be dismissed to the cradle roll room where they will participate in Kids Worship. After that, kids will be dismissed from Kids’ Worship directly to their classes. Kids grades 1&under will need to be escorted to Kids Worship by a parent and signed in there as opposed to signing them in for class. Kids’ Worship will be the first Sunday of every month.
Funeral for Albert Hotte – Please continue to pray for Margaret and her family as they say goodbye to her dad (Julie’s Uncle Albert). The funeral will be held at the Thessalon Church of Christ on Friday Mar 31st at 11am. You can watch a livestream on the Thessalon church YouTube channel by clicking this link:
BDC Meeting
Our next BDC meeting will be Monday, April 3rd at 7pm either in person or on ZOOM. Anyone is welcome to join. Here is the link:
Meeting ID: 905 563 6311
Passcode: tintern
Passcode: tintern
AV Team - Want to join our AV Team. We will be doing a training session after Bible study on Wednesday April 5 at 8 pm sharp. Contact Margaret or Noel if you are interested.
Good News - Jodie Cook shared an encouraging update regarding her mom Linda. After initially suspecting Linda suffered a stroke last week they have found no evidence of a stroke on MRI, no sign of a seizure on a CT scan. Linda is suffering from pneumonia and as a case of related Bell's palsy . She is being treated with an antibiotic and is starting to improve. Please continue to pray for Linda and Terry Codling and the rest of the family. Thank God for answered prayer!
Celebration of Spring Potluck - We are looking forward to celebrating Easter on Sunday April 16 (the Sunday after Easter) following morning worship. More information will follow.
A Challenge for our Poets - In our prayer circle on Wednesday mornings, we have enjoyed learning the stories behind some the wonderful hymns we sing, all of which likely began as poems. It occurred to us that we have a church family of wonderfully talented people of ALL ages, and we want to challenge the poets among you!
So, with Easter coming up soon, we invite you to write a poem (or two!) about what God’s gift of love and salvation means to you. It would be so lovely to have these poems to read during our Easter morning service.
Please let Phyllis or Dianne know if you have any questions. You are welcome to submit your poems in hard copy or electronically if you prefer. You can send them to Phyllis’s email at swmbo67@gmail.com. Let the creative juices flow!
Check Your Shoes - With wet "spring" weather continuing, the parking lot is muddy! Please drop passengers off under the car park if you can and make sure to wipe off your shoes when you enter the building. Thank-you.
Niagara Christian Gleaners -
- Fund Raising Dinners - After three years, we are looking forward to hosting two Fund Raising dinners in April - Friday, April 14, and Saturday April 15.
There are several spaces available on the Friday. You are invited to sign up. Tables of 8 have been a fun way to attend and support this increasingly needed ministry. Come join us. Reservation requests can be sent to: ncgdinners@gmail.com - Silent Auction Items - We’d love to have an exciting array of silent auction items for both evenings. This will allow our guests to have fun bidding on an item or service which they may be interested in and bless the fundraising efforts of NCG at the same time. If you have an item or service, even a duplicate for each evening, please consider supporting us with a donation to NCG. Thanks for considering. Please connect with us to arrange dropoff or pick-up, or to answer any additional questions you may have. 905-359-5028 or ncgdinners@gmail.com
Great Lakes Youth Rally - This year the GL Youth Rally will be April 21-23. The theme is Choose Your Character. Guest speaker is Jonathan Straker of Calgary Church of Christ. Early registration ends April 1st (save $50). After April 1 the price goes up to $60. To register go to bit.ly/glchsyr2023 or email youthrally@glchs.ca. See poster below. A copy of the poster will be on the bulletin board between the washrooms.
GLBC - Apologetics for Everybody WEEKEND EVENT - With a month until the event (April 21-22), we are happy to inform you that registration for our weekend seminar with Chad Ramsey is now open! We have created an online Eventbrite page with all the pertinent information. Please click the button below to register for the event. For those who cannot attend in person, we will be making Chad's lessons available for live viewing. If you cannot access the Eventbrite page for any reason, you may also register by sending an email to judyrobins@glbc.ca. Please state if you plan to attend in person or online, as well as for educational credit or personal edification. We look forward to seeing you! REGISTER NOW
Bridal Shower - The women are invited to a bridal shower to honour Catherine Wirkkunen on Saturday April 29, 2023 at 2:00 pm here at Tintern. If you plan to attend please let Mackenzie Koudijs know via phone or text to 289-922-8175. Catherine is registered at https://www.myregistry.com/wedding-registry/catherine-wirkkunen-and-braden-meeboer-welland-on/3705813. If you would like to make a monetary donation you can give those to Margaret or etransfer to ayalamackenzie1@gmail.com.
Rock N Roll Diner - It's back! This year the date is May 6 at Great Lakes Christian High School. Doors open at 5:30pm and Showtime is 6pm. Pay at the door. This is a cash only event. Tickets are $10 per person ($5 for ages 4-12, free for ages 3 and under). For any inquiries email rocknrolldiner@bell.net. For more information go to https://facebook.com/events/s/the-rock-n-roll-diner-2023/1190953778276911/. It would be helpful for food supplies to let them know you are attending and how many are in your group. See poster below. A copy of the poster will be on the bulletin board between the washrooms.
Lincoln Mom to Mom Sale - In person this year on Saturday May 27 at Great Lakes Christian High School. Be sure to let any new, to-be moms and moms with young kids know. To follow the event on Facebook check out the link https://facebook.com/events/s/lincoln-mom-to-mom-spring-sale/760836602225266/.
Alzheimer’s Society Support Group in Welland – Do you feel alone on your journey as a care partner to someone who is living with dementia? Join other care partners for peer support and to learn new strategies that may help to decrease your stress. Each group will be facilitated by one of our counselling staff. This group meets the second Wednesday of each month at the Welland Community Centre 145 Lincoln St., Welland ON from 10:00 am - 11:30 am. The first meeting is Wednesday, April 12. Click here to register. For more information, please contact Nancy Docherty, Family Support Counsellor, at: ndocherty@alzheimerniagara.ca 905-687-6856 ext. 546
Spam Emails - Reminder that you will not receive an email from any of the Tintern staff requesting gift credit cards, gift cards or money. Please delete any emails like this. This is also a reminder to be careful of any links you click on in emails or social media.
What Are Tintern Kids Praying for:
Grade 1 & Under Sunday Morning Class
I am important to God because...
Lucy: because He loves me. Also praying for my Grandma's broken finger
Knox: because I love dad. Also praying for Opa while he's in Florida.
Lydia: because I love mummy. Also praying for Opa while he's in Florida.
Grade 2 & 3 Sunday Morning Class
Elet: praying that I can reach my goal in my game.
Claire: praying for my dog that is having puppies
Miranda: praying that my dad doesn't need dialysis
Hailey: praying for God to be with my mom as she completes her assignment
Grade 4 & 5 Sunday Morning Class
Allie: praying that my dress rehearsal for my play goes well
Lawson: praying that my grandparents legs get better
Peyton: praying that my grandma and aunt feel better soon
Lacey: praying that my sister Kloe has a good birthday
Gwen: praying that my babysitting goes well
Lochlan: praying that my hockey games go well
Grade 1 & Under Wednesday Class
Lucy: praying for my grandpa Eugene in Heaven
Miss Sydney: praying for my family
Grade 2-5 Wednesday Class
Ruby: praying my Grandma doesn't bend her knee so it can heal properly and avoid surgery
Claire: Please help my dog Josie act better and Stella have her puppies
Allie: I pray my dress rehearsal for play goes well
Aiden: I pray that school goes well
Miranda: I pray that my Aunt can be the right type for my dad's transplant
Upcoming Events
April 2 Kid's Worship
April 2 @ 4pm The Chosen - Episode 1 - The Homecoming
April 5 @ 8 pm AV Training Session
April 16 Celebration of Spring Potluck
April 21 @ 7pm Parenting Workshop: When My Child Chooses a Different Path
Apr 21-23 Great Lakes Youth Rally
April 23 @ 4pm The Chosen - Episode 2 - Two by Two
April 27-30 Micah 6 Mission Trip
April 29 @ 2pm Bridal Shower for Catherine Wirkkunen
eBulletin - If you have anything for the bulletin please send the information to tinternchurchofchrist@gmail.com.
Prayers - For Tintern's prayer list, check out our website www.tinternchurchofchrist.ca. In the "Prayer Hub" button (top right corner or click here) is where you will find our list of prayers. You can also add prayers.
Tintern in Person and Online - Join us this Sunday for in-person service at 9:45 am. If you are feeling unwell, please remain at home. Masks are optional, however Niagara Region Public Health recommends residents wear a mask in indoor spaces.
To watch live on our website click here https://www.tinternchurchofchrist.ca/watch. It will go live about 9:45 Sunday morning. You can always find us on Tintern's YouTube channel as well (https://www.youtube.com/user/tinterncofc).