Prayers - For Tintern's prayer list, check out our website The "Prayer Hub" button (top right corner or click here) is where you will find our list of prayers. You can also add prayers.
Please send your submissions for the eBulletin to
Daylight Saving Time - Reminder that we move forward one hour this weekend.
Mud Season - With the wet and/or snowy weather, the parking lot becomes muddy! Please wipe off your shoes when you enter the building on the mats provided. Parents encourage your children to do the same. Also, the exit door at the back of the Fellowship Hall is not an entry door. There are no mats there to remove mud/dirt/snow from shoes. Please re-enter through the main doors. Thank you!
Safe Families Niagara - Please join us for a fundraiser and information night on March 22 @5:30 pm here at the building. Tickets must be purchased in advance (before March 15). Click here to purchase tickets online or use the QR Code in the invitation below. If you would prefer to pay for your tickets in cash (exact amount) see Lori H on Sunday. Food will be provided by Joe Feta's (
El Salvador Home Build - Thanks to our church family and friends, enough funds were raised to build 1 of the 24 homes that our team will be building in El Salvador.
We will be there from March 8th to the 15th. Please keep us in your prayers.
Roger & Catherine
We will be there from March 8th to the 15th. Please keep us in your prayers.
Roger & Catherine
Men's Breakfast - This Saturday Mar 8 at 8am - Guys, you're invited to join us for breakfast this Saturday at 8am at the building. We share fellowship together, participate in a devotional and pray for each other. We'll be wrapped up by 9:30 (or sooner). Questions? Contact Noel for details. Hope to see you there.
March Break Fun -
- On Monday, March 10, TRUTH will be leaving from GL together at 12:00pm to go to Pla-More Bowling Lanes in St. Catharines. The cost is $5.29 per person per game + $3.50 for shoes. Please eat lunch beforehand. If you have questions see Megan.
- On Tuesday, March 11, EPIC & TINbits will be at Aerosports Trampoline Park in St. Catharines from 1:00 - 3:00pm. The price for 1hr is $22; 90mins is $26; & 2hr is $30, all per person. + $4 for socks. Feel free to jump as long as you like! Parents staying to watch do not need to purchase a ticket. If you have questions see Megan.
Micah 6 Fundraiser - We have a group going to Micah 6 Community in May to work alongside them in their current projects. In preparation for the trip, we will be hosting a Soup & Sandwich fundraiser at the AGM on Sunday, March 16. The money raised will cover the cost Micah 6 requires of us for visiting as well as transportation there and back. Any money raised that is more than needed for the trip will be donated to Micah 6.
Passover Celebration - For April's Friday Night Connect, Tintern will be hosting a Passover Celebration from 7-8:30pm on Friday, April 11. This will be a time of experience and education about the Passover and it's connections to Jesus. It is for all ages and you're welcome to invite your friends. If you're coming, please RSVP by notifying Megan or by signing up here:
Training for Service - April 18 (Good Friday) - Hosted by the Newmarket Church of Christ will be at Great Lakes Christian High School. Mike Cope is the featured speaker. Click on his name to read his Pepperdine bio.
Waterloo Ladies' Day - Waterloo Church of Christ is hosting a Ladies' Day on April 26 - "Beautifully Rooted" Colossians 2:6-7 from 9:30 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. (registration begins at 9:30 a.m. - lunch is provided) 470 Glenelm Cres. Waterloo, ON -- R.S.V.P. by April 19, 2025 to Wanda S -
Micah 6 Trip - This year's trip to Micah 6 will be May 15-18 (leaving in the evening on the 15th and returning late on the 18th). Anyone is welcome to come. If you'd like to join, let Megan know by March 9. If you have any questions, please see Megan.
Masambuko Familiy Collection - Many thanks to those who contributed to the Masambuko Family Relocation. $2,858 was collected from the Beamsville and Tintern congregations. The family has arrived safely and is getting settled. We are still looking for some help in supporting the brothers and in providing temporary accomodation while we secure a more permenant solution for living space. Please contact Roger P if you can help.
Fill The Freezer For Safe Families, Saturday April 12th, 10am-12pm - Girls from grade 3 and to our most senior ladies are invited to a morning of cooking together to fill the Safe Families Freezer so that they have meals on hand as the families they serve need them. Different ways to volunteer, we need multiple volunteers who would be willing to host the morning in their kitchen. To provide the cooking tools needed to prepare a meal. The rest of the volunteers would then be divided up into groups to go to each of these kitchens and prepare a meal together. Each group of volunteers would split the recipe and each bring ingredients to contribute to the meal. If you would like to join us, please reach out to Angela at If this date doesn’t not work for you but you would like to be a part of filling the freezer, you can make a meal for a family of 5 on your own and bring it in to add to the rest of the meals. On the container include the name of dish and heating instructions. To the gentleman of our congregation, we are asking if you would be willing to help with some financial donations to help purchase the takeout containers needed to store all this food in.
Bible Day Camp - This year Bible Day Camp will be June 30 to July 4th. We have started planning. We need newspapers and flyers for a team building activity. Please bring any newspapers and flyers you have to the building. There is a box outside of Margaret's office where they can be left. Thanks!
Great Lakes Christian Preschool is Hiring - Supply/Casual Staff -- We are looking for a caring team member to engage preschool aged children (2½ to 5 years) through play and creative activities. Responsibilities include supporting teachers, maintaining daily documentation, and collaborating with staff while ensuring professionalism and confidentiality. To apply, send a cover letter, resume, and references to Click here to find out more, or see the poster on the bulletin board.
Niagara Christian Gleaners -
- Next week Monday, 10 March 2025, we are planning to load another sea container for export. It involves lifting a large quantity of dried produce. Please note some of the cases may weigh up to 30 lbs - so please be mindful of this requirement. The start time is 8:30 am. Click on this link to see what the work entails: If you are able to help, please click here to let us know that you will be part of the loading crew.
- We are excited to inform you that our Friday evening dinner is completely booked. There is limited availability yet on Saturday. We would love to have you join us for our annual Fundraising Dinner Weekend, but do not delay in registering. The dates are Friday, 21 March 2025 & Saturday, 22
March 2025. It will once again be held at the beautiful West Niagara Agricultural Centre, 7402 Mud St W, Grassie, Ont. Doors open for the Silent Auction at 5pm and Dinner is at 6pm. Our guest speaker this year will be a representative from Samaritan’s Purse Canada - one of our trusted distribution partners. A free will offering will be taken. All proceeds go towards NCG’s Operating Expenses. Please reserve your seats through our website at Donations for our Silent Auction are also appreciated. They can be dropped off at the Gleaners any weekday morning. Questions/comments please contact us at
Service Opportunities - Is there anyone with a small welding tool that could come to the building and fix some of our older burgundy chairs? Speak to Noel if you have any questions or would like more information.
Picture Bulletin Board - Thanks to those that have sent in their new pictures. If you have a recent family picture send it to Margaret.
Nonperishable Items - "Blessed are those whose help is the God of Jacob, whose hope is in the Lord their God. He is the Maker of heaven and earth, the sea, and everything in them—he remains faithful forever. He upholds the cause of the oppressed and gives food to the hungry." Psalm 146:5-7(a) Tintern will continue to collect non-perishable items. For the month of March please bring in personal care items. Think toothbrushes toothpaste, shampoo, deodorant etc. All non-perishable items gladly accepted!
Participation - If you would like to participate in A/V ministry, song leading, praying, sharing communion thoughts, reading scripture, family time announcements or teaching/ helping in the Sunday School/Wednesday night program, please reply to this email or speak to Noel, Megan or Margaret.
Newsletters - Attached are newsletters from
- The Seed from Great Lakes Bible College;
- CityKidz; and
- 2024 MCC Year at a Glance.
What Are TINbits Praying For?
K-2 Sunday Class
Lucy: thank you that everyone in my school is nice to me and loves me
Lindsay: Thank you that Taryn got home safely from Florida
Tricia: that both my children have a good week at school
Lindsay: Thank you that Taryn got home safely from Florida
Tricia: that both my children have a good week at school
Upcoming Events:
Mar 8 Men's Breakfast 8am @ Tintern
Mar 16 Annual General Meeting @ 1pm
Mar 22 Safe Families Dinner 5:30 @ Tintern
Mar 29 Niagara Ladies Day
2025 GLBC Spring Newsletter.pdf