eBulletin   -   Oct 17, 2024

October 17, 2024 eBulletin


Prayers - For Tintern's prayer list, check out our website www.tinternchurchofchrist.ca. The "Prayer Hub" button (top right corner or click here) is where you will find our list of prayers. You can also add prayers.

Baby News - Neema and Peter welcomed baby daughter Lightness, born on October 10. They send their thanks to all who contributed to the baby shower gift of a stroller, car seat, and bunting bag. 

Celebration of Thanks
  1. Our Celebration of Thanks Potluck will be this Sunday October 20, 2024. Invite your friends and family. A digital invitation is below. 
  2. If you would like to sign up to bring food and/or other various volunteer positions, please click here to go to the signup page. Monetary donations towards the cost of turkey is appreciated and can be given to Bethany or Margaret. Should you have any questions, please email Bethany at bwirkkunen@yahoo.ca or Margaret.
Great Lakes Congregational Workshop - Fri Oct 18-Sat Oct 19 Great Lakes High School and Bible College are hosting a workshop on the High School campus on Friday Oct 18 and Sat Oct 19. See the poster for details.

Glen Robins is the keynote speaker and there are breakout sessions focused on Discipleship and Congregational Leadership. Click here to register.

October FNC **CHANGE** - FNC will be on Friday, Oct 25 at Jeff & Suanne’s home. From 7-9 there will be a campfire with s’mores, pumpkin carving, and glow in the dark volleyball. There will ALSO be DINNER available at 6pm if you would like to come early. Dinner is roast beef and pulled pork on a bun with coffee, tea, and hot chocolate. There will be a “wedding style” tent up in their yard to help shield from the cold. Please bring a lawn chair and let Suanne know if you plan to be there for dinner. 

Fall Fun - EPIC will be going to Howell's on Wednesday, Oct 23rd. Please see Jeremy for details. TRUTH will be having a Halloween party on Wednesday, Oct 30th at the building. The Wednesday TINbit class will be having a Fall-themed class on Oct 30th as well, with pumpkin painting and snacks.

Homemade Movie Scenes for Nov FNC - For FNC in November, we are having an Oscar's Party, where we will have trivia questions about various homemade movie clips shown. We would like to invite families to recreate and film a scene from one of your favourite movies to be shown that evening. All videos should be sent to Megan. Please reach out if you have any questions!  

Giving More in 2024 - “Feed the hungry, and help those in trouble. Then your light will shine out from the darkness, and the darkness around you will be as bright as noon.”  Isaiah 58:10  Together we can make a big difference! Thank you to everyone who donated items in September. Three boxes of items were dropped off at West Lincoln Community Care in Beamsville. For the month of October we are collecting items that are in cans and/or jars. While grocery shopping for your family, see what you can find.  Any non-perishable items gladly accepted! 

Participation - If you would like to participate in A/V ministry, song leading, praying, sharing communion thoughts, reading scripture, family time announcements or teaching/ helping in the Sunday School/Wednesday night program, please reply to this email or speak to NoelMegan or Margaret

Niagara Christian Gleaners - Have you ever wondered what it looked like to volunteer at The Gleaners. Click here to watch a video that was created for 100 Huntley Street. To learn more please visit their website:  www.niagaragleaners.org.

What Are TINbits Praying For?

K - Grade 2 Sunday Class
Lydia: that Opa has a good birthday
Mae: thankful I get to go to Canada
Eloise: Thank you, God, for Canada
Lucy: Thank you, God, for my shoes

Grade 3-5 Sunday Class
Ruby: My friends who were in Florida in the hurricane
Hailey & Knox: A safe ride home for our cousins
Aiden: That Thanksgiving goes well
Elet: Safe travels for grandma & grandpa
Miranda: That Maddie has a good week
Ms. Kerri: For Florida families
Mrs. Minter: for Theresa

K-5 Wednesday Class
Thank you, God, for…
Lucy: Miss Peter, Coach Sab, Jenna, Nia, & Kayla
Lydia: mommy and daddy
Knox: family and friends
Aiden: food
Elet: my volleyball tryouts
Taryn: my volleyball tryouts; and help me to do well
Claire: my dogs and Bart
Hailey: my family

Upcoming Events:

Oct 18         GLBC & GLCC Workshop & General Meetings 7pm @ GLCC
Oct 19         GLBC & GLCC Workshop & General Meetings 9am @ GLCC
Oct 20         Celebration of Thanks
Oct 25         FNC 7pm @Jeff & Suanne Whitfield's home
Oct 27         The Chosen 4pm @ Tintern
Nov 8           FNC 7pm @Tintern
Nov 9           Men's Breakfast 8am @ Tintern
Nov 10         The Chosen @ 4pm

giving-more-2024-october.jpg 224-10-1819-glbc-glcc-agm.jpg 2024 Celebration of Thanks.jpg QR Code for Auditorium.jpg