eBulletin   -   Sep 21, 2023

September 21, 2023 eBulletin


Prayers - For Tintern's prayer list, check out our website www.tinternchurchofchrist.ca. The "Prayer Hub" button (top right corner or click here) is where you will find our list of prayers. You can also add prayers.

Congregation Picture - Last Sunday (September 17) we took our congregational picture. If you were not here for the picture please speak to Martin.

Save the Date - Sunday September 24 following morning worship (while the kids are in class) we will have a baby "shower" for Victoria and Caleb. Victoria and Caleb are registered at myregistry.com.

Niagara Gleaners
  1. There are Saturday opportunities at the Gleaners available to those interested. You may sign up with the following link: https://signup.com/go/OyEQOLo.
  2. We are looking forward to bringing in a harvest of apples for the Gleaners on October 7. See flyer below.
Weeding Help - Sandy is looking for 4 or 5 hearty souls with gardening tools to help with weeding around the building. Garden shears, clippers, gloves, and strong hands to pull out significant weeds are required. Please email Sandy (resilient979@gmail.com) for details.

Great Lakes Christian High School
- Great Lakes is looking for more help in the kitchen. Three hours a day Monday - Friday 10am - 1pm. Hours can be flexible. Please contact careers@glchs.ca  

Great Lakes Bible College - GLBC has a paid and volunteer opportunities
  1. Administration and Marketing Assistant - Our administrator is often the first line of communication with new students and is closely engaged in maintaining our learning management system. This part-time position supports the President and the Academic Dean in routine activities relating to the Populi learning management system as well as other marketing and administrative duties assigned by the President. Click here for a Detailed Description or click here to email the President.
  2. Volunteer Board Member - Our Volunteer Board Members are from the Great Lakes Bible College Corporation and help to provide high level guidance and support to the Administrative and Academic Team. If you, or someone you know may be interested in volunteering as a Board Member, please connect with our President, and the information will be passed to the nominations committee.
Camp Omagh - Closing up camp is a huge job. Do you have some time and energy to share with us? Please contact secretary@campomagh.org and she will get you in touch with our grounds crew.

Effect Hope - Presents an inspiring talk with Christian author, Philip Yancey, about pain, hope, and restoration. September 24, 7pm, Bethany Community Church, 1388 Third St South, St. Catharines. This is a FREE event, but you should pre-register to ensure a seat is available for you. It's also Philip Yancey's only international and multi-city tour of 2023.  Visit effecthope.org/PY to register.

Christian Relief Fund - See below for the reports cards for Gabriela and Ambar. These are the two girls we support through Christian Relief Fund.

Niagara Region - From Sept. 25-30, Niagara residents are invited to visit one of our landfill sites to collect up to three 20L bags of compost in exchange for a cash or food donation benefitting local organizations. Learn more: https://pulse.ly/ys70z9ycmh 

Village of Hope - September is Hunger Action Month every year. It is a nationwide campaign dedicated to raising awareness about hunger and taking action to address food insecurity. We're grateful for the recognition of the work we do in Lincoln to alleviate food insecurity at Village of Hope Niagara. Your donations of food and/or funds are appreciated and make possible the work that we do. In our community, it's estimated 1 in 6 among our neighbours (1 in 5 children) are going without each month, - skipping meals, and missing nutrition. When children, seniors, whole families in our community are affected, we're all impacted. Donors of food or funds are appreciated always, but on Saturdays Sept 16 and 23, donors will receive a special gift of thanks from us to you.

Niagara Life Centre - See below for the fall newsletter.

Compassion Canada - With the holiday season coming up, here is one way that you can help impact children and families in poverty around the word. One billion children worldwide are multi-dimensionally poor. They live without access to education, healthcare, housing, nutrition, sanitation or water. https://www.compassion.ca/shop/?appeal=FY24-GOC&utm_medium=email&utm_source=campaign_email&utm_campaign=FY24-GOC&utm_content=FY24-GOC-E45P 

Lost & Found - In the auditorium there is a table with some items that have been left behind. Please check it out and take home what is yours. Anything left after Sunday will be donated.

Service Sunday Oct 1 

(9 am - 11:30am)

We're looking forward to our Service Sunday on Sunday October 1st. We're inviting everyone to find some kind of service that you and your family can do to help someone in your neighborhood or your community.
  • Maybe you can clean up a park near your home or help a neighbour with some chores.
  • Maybe you can visit someone in Long Term Care or someone that has difficulty coming to worship service.
  • Maybe you can sign up to join one of the projects someone else at Tintern is doing.
  • Maybe you can support all of our projects by spending some time in prayer that Sunday, praying for each project and each person by name.
We will be serving in our community on Sun Oct. 1st from 9am -11:30am and then gathering at the church building for lunch any time after 12pm. All food and drink is provided.

If you have a project you would like some help with email Margaret with the details and we'll add you to our project list on the white board in the auditorium.

Please let us know what your doing to be a part of Service Sunday so we can add you to the list so our prayer warriors can pray for you.

Next week we will send out a questionnaire in order to count up  how many people will be joining us for lunch.  If you have any questions reach out to Noel, Megan or Margaret.

What Tintern Kids are Praying For

Kindergarten & Under Sunday Class
Lydia: Thank you, God, for Momma
Lucy: Thank you, God, for Jesus

Grades 1-3 Sunday Class
Aiden: praying that the mouse isn't on our lawn anymore
Knox: praying that my friend Hudson doesn't have to have surgery again
Claire: praying that my friends have a good school year
Hailey: praying that Knox's birthday party goes well
Kinsley: praying that it doesn't rain today
Ms. Tammy: praying that everyone has a good week at school
Ms. Megan: praying to have better boundaries with time

Grade 4-5 Sunday Class
Ruby: praying that the last basketball tryout goes well
Elet: praying that I make the travel soccer team
Miranda: praying to make more friends at school
Allie: praying that dance team goes well
Taryn: praying that I finish cross-country well
Peyton: praying that Chloe and I do well at soccer
Chloe: praying that I make the basketball team
Ms. Crystal: praying that the week without Bradley goes well

Kindergarten & Under Wednesday Class
God, help me share...
Lydia: food, toys, and blankets
Lucy: markers

Grade 1-5 Wednesday Class
Ruby: thankful I made the basketball team
Miranda: praying I can remember my memory verse for tomorrow
Taryn: praying I can finish my race for cross country
Knox: praying that no one makes fun of me for wearing my Easter shirt for picture day
Aiden: praying that school goes well
Hailey: praying my school picture turns out good
Allie: praying school goes well
Claire: praying that my dogs stay safe

Upcoming Events

Sep 24       Baby Shower for Victoria & Caleb
Oct 9          Thanksgiving
Oct 13        Friday Night Connect @ Evan & Lindsay house
Oct 14        Men's Day - Fenwick Church of Christ (see below for more info)
Oct 15        Celebration of Thanks
Oct 20        Book Club Meeting
Oct 20-22   GL Alumni Weekend

eBulletin - If you have anything for the bulletin please send the information to tinternchurchofchrist@gmail.com.

Tintern in Person and Online - Join us this Sunday for in-person service at 9:45 am.  To watch live on our website click here https://www.tinternchurchofchrist.ca/watch. It will go live about 9:45 Sunday morning. You can always find us on Tintern's YouTube channel as well (https://www.youtube.com/user/tinterncofc).  

2023 10 07 NCG.jpg 2023 Alumni Weekend Save the Date-min.png 2023 GL Hiring Kitchen Help.png 2023 09 19 Fuentes Report Card CRF.pdf 2023 09 18 Jordan Report Card CRF.pdf 2023 NLC_Fall_Newsletter_Final.pdf 2023 Fenwick Mens Day.pdf