eBulletin   -   Aug 31, 2023

August 31, 2023 eBulletin


Prayers - For Tintern's prayer list, check out our website www.tinternchurchofchrist.ca. The "Prayer Hub" button (top right corner or click here) is where you will find our list of prayers. You can also add prayers.

Church in the Park - A few things to let you know regarding Church in the Park:
  1. There will be no online service while we are at Charles Daley Park.
  2. Worship starts at 10:00 am. We will be providing coffee and a light snack at 9:30 am.
  3. Remember to bring a lawn chair and wear sunscreen and a hat. 
  4.  Please bring at least two large dishes to share (reminder, there is NO electricity). Please NO peanuts and label food that contains nuts, is Gluten free or diary free. Food should be brought from home ready to go.
  5. Beamsville Church of Christ and about 20 Great Lakes students will be joining us.
  6. In the event of inclement weather we will meet at the building (an email will go out to confirm a change of location - no email, no change).
  7. Please hold on to your donation for next week when we are back at the building.
Congregation Picture - Sunday September 17 we will be having our congregational picture taken right after classes.

Friday Night Connect - September's FNC will be on September 8, 7-9pm at the church building. We will be playing Family Feud with the answers from our congregation. All are invited to come play or watch. Snacks will be provided.

Save the Date - Sunday September 24 following morning worship (while the kids are in class) we will have a baby "shower" for Victoria and Caleb Ramey. If you would like to make a donation to a group gift you can send an e-transfer to Ainsely Ramey at ainsleyramey@gmail.com or give cash to Julie or Margaret by September 17. Victoria and Caleb are registered at myregistry.com if you would like to purchase anything for them.

Directory Updates
  1. If you have any changes to your page in Tintern's directory binder please let Margaret know (office@tinternchurchofchrist.ca). 
  2. You are encouraged to shred/destroy any old pages from your directory. 
From Lawrence Whitfield - Please pray that Lawrence will have a safe trip to Zambia in September and that he will be an encouragement to the people there. Those wishing to contribute to the gifts that he plans to take, may give Lawrence new or nearly new men’s shirts (M, L or XL) and men’s socks. Warm material is fine. Or monetary donations are welcome. Either cash or e-transfer to lawrence.edward.whitfield@gmail.com. As space and weight are limited, any excess items will be donated to GBF and any excess funds will be donated to the Tintern children’s collection on the first Sunday of the month.  

Back to School Programs
  1. Grimsby Benevolent Fund - Last year we were thrilled to have groups, individuals, and Grimsby families partner with us for our back to school program. The donations that arrived throughout the summer was amazing! Would you consider joining in on the fun of collecting school supplies, shoes, and snacks for a purpose? Items can be dropped off at our receiving doors at the back of the retail store or brought to the cash. Online donations can be made by clicking here.
  2. Community Care of West Niagara - The Back-to-School program provides a backpack filled with school supplies to children and youth from low-income families. Our backpack comes fully equipped with grade specific supplies needed for each child to be successful at school. We also work in partnership with CTFS Jumpstart Sneaker program in providing a new pair of sneakers so that kids can be active in school. With the cost of living what it is today, our assistance program will ease a lot of already-tight budgets and will ensure that children go back to school with their head held high! To make an online donations click here.
  3. Village of Hope - With more than 400 Lincoln children enrolled in our Back To School program (registration remains open until August 31) your donations will make a dramatic difference in our community this Fall. Please donate at villageofhopeniagara.org/back-to-school. Donations ensure that these children will receive school supplies, healthy snacks throughout the year, new shoes, and haircuts, for their year ahead. Donor support is needed from our community - Donate for our internet supplement - Donate for school supplies - Sponsor a child for $50

What Are Tintern Kids Praying For?

Grade 1 & Under
Lucy: Praying to go to McDonalds and to make friends at school

Grades 2-3
Taryn: Praying to get the right teacher and that Grampa C will stay well
Ruby: Praying to get the right teacher
Miranda: Thankful to go to a Christian school
Elet: Praying for a great school year
Aiden: Praying about going to school
Ms. Becky: Praying for safety for my family
Mrs. Kennedy: Praying for help with so much change

Grades 4-5
Gwen: Praying about going back to school
Lawson: Praying about his new teacher
Allie: Praying Praying about dad going to Cuba

Upcoming Events

Sep 3                    Church in the Park (Charles Daley Park)
Sep 8 @ 7pm        Family Feud (see more information above)
Sep 8-9                 44th Annual Southern Ontario Men’s Retreat @ Camp Omagh
Sep 10                  Promotion Sunday
Sep 16                  Annual End of Season Celebration BBQ - Camp Omagh
Sep 17                  Congregational Picture
Sep 24                  Baby Shower for Victoria & Caleb Ramey

eBulletin - If you have anything for the bulletin please send the information to tinternchurchofchrist@gmail.com.

Tintern in Person and Online - Join us this Sunday for in-person service at 9:45 am.  To watch live on our website click here https://www.tinternchurchofchrist.ca/watch. It will go live about 9:45 Sunday morning. You can always find us on Tintern's YouTube channel as well (https://www.youtube.com/user/tinterncofc).  

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