eBulletin   -   Nov 23, 2023

November 23, 2023 eBulletin


Prayers - For Tintern's prayer list, check out our website www.tinternchurchofchrist.ca. The "Prayer Hub" button (top right corner or click here) is where you will find our list of prayers. You can also add prayers.

Mud Season - With the wet and/or snowy weather the parking lot becomes muddy! Please wipe off your shoes when you enter the building on the mats provided. Thank you.

Prayer Request - Bethany Wi has been home recovering from a concussion. She has been diagnosed with Glaucoma. Symptoms were being missed due to the concussion. She is waiting to be scheduled for emergency eye surgery (or may have had it by the time this email goes out). She has requested prayers for herself and family as they deal with this.

New Curriculum - Our kids ministry will be starting a new curriculum in December for Sunday classes. "The Gospel Project for Kids is a Christ-centered Bible study resource that looks at the big picture of God's story - the story of redemption through Jesus Christ. Each week, kids of all ages will follow a chronological timeline of Bible events, all the while learning how each story points to the gospel of Jesus Christ." Each session aims to help kids Learn Bible, Love Jesus, and Live on mission. Over a cycle of 3 years, the kids will learn about and engage with 156 passages of Scripture. Soon you may notice some new hallway decor down the classroom wing. You're encouraged to check it out. If you'd like to learn more about the Gospel Project, you can visit their website: https://gospelproject.lifeway.com/about-us/ 

From Lawrence re Zambia Trip - Video 9 of 18 - Singing and Children’s program – Livingstone Church of Christ

FriendSpeak - Would you be interested in developing a deep personal relationship with an international student that introduces them to the Gospel? FriendSpeak relationships provide a rich benefit for students and their adult readers that can last years. Now that a higher number of English as a Second Language (ESL) students are returning the Great Lakes post Covid, we would like to restart FriendSpeak in the next 3-4 weeks. Please reach out to Katherine Perry or Jim Whitfield this week if you are interested in getting involved this year on most Wednesday nights when school is in session. Training will be provided. 

GLCHS Homestay Opportunity - GLCHS has two Japanese High School Students coming to be with us for 9 weeks starting mid-January 2024. We are looking for two separate local homestay hosts that would house and feed these girls. This is a paid opportunity. They will be away for two extended weekends during the 9 week time period. If you are interested in being considered as a host, please contact Please contact jim.whitfield@glchs.ca to express your interest.

Advent Calendar - In efforts to worship fully, spend less, give more, and love all this Advent Season, you’ll find an Advent calendar in your mailboxes!  

December FNC - On Friday, December 12th, Ralph and Laurena T will be hosting Friday Night Connect at the Fireside Room from 7-9pm. It will be Christmas-themed. More information to come!

Micah 6 - We have recently received two newsletters from Micah 6. You will find them attached below. Copies will also be posted on the Missions' bulletin board.

2023 Season of Hope - Tintern is helping out two seniors and a small family that is registered with Village of Hope. Gift tags are on the tree in the front foyer. You are encouraged to take a tag and purchase a gift or gifts. Gifts are to be wrapped and returned by Sunday December 10 at the latest, be sure to attach the tag. Some items could be done as a group. If you don't feel that you can purchase a gift item, bring in non-perishable items and place them under the tree. Thank you for your generosity!

Muffin/Cookie Providers - Thank you to everyone who has responded. Margaret is still looking for a few more additional people willing to bake/provide muffins and/or cookies in 2024. She's especially looking for a few volunteers that might provide gluten/dairy free and peanut free items. If you are willing please contact Margaret this week. 

Great Lakes Christian High School
  1. Shadow Day: Friday, November 24th 8:00am-3:15pm. Students come for a day to experience what high school is like as a Great Lakes Laker! (Lunch provided). To register: Click Here.
  2. Pirates of the Great Lakes is a 5-act family friendly comedy. Set in 1784, some wayward pirates take some wrong turns and find themselves in the strange waters of Lake Ontario near the great cataract of Niagara when the peninsula we all know was still part of the English controlled Providence of Quebec. Pirates of the Great Lakes is mostly a silly and hilarious journey that will have children and adults laughing as this farcical adventure unravels. We hope you will consider joining us on the weekend of December 8-9, 2023, for what promises to be an enjoyable start to the holiday season.
  3. Full-Time Teacher - Great Lakes Christian High School is looking for a full time teacher for Fall 2024. Preferred applicants will have Intermediate and Senior Qualifications and be able to teach one or more of the following subject areas: Math, Science, Business. Please send resume and statement of faith to Kerri Kennedy (Principal) at kerri.kennedy@glchs.ca. Please share with Christian friends and family who may be interested in working in our school.
Niagara Christian Gleaners - Periodically we host Saturday Morning Volunteer Sessions. Here is the signup link for those sessions. Please follow the same instructions as above: https://signup.com/go/OyEQOLo. (Please note that Saturday Sessions may be cancelled on short notice if there is a soft response to the signup. Thanks for understanding). 

What Are Tintern Kids Praying For?

Kindergarten Sunday Class 
Thank you, God, for...
Benjamin: riding a goat
Eloise: a flower
Lydia: Daddy
Mae: Mommy
Lucy: Mommy flying home from Nigeria

Grade 1-3 Sunday Class
God, help me keep my promise to... 
Claire: read everyday
Knox: try to score a goal in soccer at school
Aiden: try to get my yellow belt
Hailey: bake cookies and try to get it right
Ms. Sandy: walk everyday this week
Ms. Megan: run 3 times this week

Grade 4-5 Sunday Class
Peyton: thankful I did well at school last week
Allie: praying that Aiden passes his belt test in karate

Kindergarten Wednesday Class
God, thank you that I can use my eyes to see...
Lucy: Miss Margaret, Ruby & Lydia
Lydia: everything

Upcoming Events

Nov 24               - GLCHS - Shadow Day, grades 7-11 - Registration 
Dec 8                 - Friday Night Connect @ Fireside Room
Dec 8-9              - GL Play "Pirates of the Great Lakes"
Dec 17 @ 6pm  - Celebration of the Season

eBulletin - If you have anything for the bulletin please send the information to tinternchurchofchrist@gmail.com.

2023 GL Play Ad.jpg glchs-gh-job-ad-teacher-nov-2023.jpg 2023 Season of Hope w Village of Hope.jpg 2023 11 10 Micah 6 Report.pdf 2023 Micah 6 It Is That Time of Year - compressed.pdf