Prayers - For Tintern's prayer list, check out our website The "Prayer Hub" button (top right corner or click here) is where you will find our list of prayers. You can also add prayers.
Reminder - It's that season. With all the rain we have had over the past few weeks the ground is saturated, including the parking lot. Please wipe your feet off on the mats at the entry doors. Parents, please remind your children to do that too. Thank you.
Teacher Needs - We need a teacher in TRUTH for May. If you are able to help, see Megan. We have curriculum you can use.
Great Lakes Christian High School - We have an exciting opportunity to join our team at Great Lakes Christian High School as a Science Teacher. Attached is the advertisement for the open position. We believe that finding the right candidate for this role is crucial, and your support in reaching potential applicants within your community is invaluable to us. Should you have any questions about the advertisement or the position itself, please don't hesitate to contact us at
April Friday Night Connect - Join us on Friday, April 19 for Friday Night Connect, held at River's Edge Haven of Hope (1 Haldimand County Rd 17, Dunnville, ON N1A 2W4) from 7:00-9:00pm. We will get a tour of the facility and have a campfire. There will be s'mores! Please wear closed-toed shoes as they will not allow you to tour the facility without them. There is some outdoor seating for the campfire, but you may want to bring a lawn chair just in case! If you have questions, please see Megan, Kathy Whitfield, or Sandy. Thank you to Sandy and Kathy for hosting.
Service Sunday - Welland Food Bank - Bethany W & Catherine M are collecting donations to help cover the expenses of the turkey dinner they are preparing. If you would like to donate please see Bethany, Catherine or Margaret.
Strawberry Point Christian Camp - To register for Strawberry Point click the link
Camp Omagh -
- To register for Camp Omagh click the link
- Camp Omagh has positions they are hiring for. To find out more information click this link
- Camp Omagh urgently needs a Weekly Director for the 1st Senior Overnight Camp (Ages 11-13) for the week of August 11 - 17. If interested please contact as soon as possible. There is more information below and a printed copy is posted on the bulletin board between the offices.
Camp Manitou - Registration will open on Saturday, April 13th! The link will be available on their Facebook page.
GL Community Service Day - Every spring, our school eagerly anticipates Community Service Day, a day dedicated to serving those in need within our community. On this day, our students and staff join forces to assist non-profit organizations, church groups, and elderly individuals who require support. Tasks range from spring cleaning and yard work to washing windows, mulching gardens, cleaning vehicles, and painting porches. Funds raised by our students and staff are used to "sponsor" the day's
activities and are dedicated to addressing a need identified by the students and administration within the school. This year, we aim to raise $20,000. To donate
GL Youth Rally - With just over a week until Youth Rally, it is not too late to register. Great songs, games, lessons, and fun are waiting for you! For more info or to register:
Great Lakes Bible College -
- On behalf of Great Lakes Bible College and our Board of Trustees, we extend our thanks and gratitude to you, for all your prayers and support of our educational ministry. As such, we extend an invitation to you all to join us on Zoom for our Graduation 2024 and GLBC Connects (click the image below or scan the QR code). We also have three hybrid locations where you can meet and greet members of our Board of Trustees. These are Strathmore, Tintern, and Waterloo Churches of Christ at their church buildings. We hope to see you there and online. Grace to you all! Immanuel Velasco, President and Paul Birston, Academic Dean
- We are pleased to share the first edition of "The Seed", Great Lakes Bible College's newsletter publication for Winter 2024. As always, your support of our important work and your feedback is greatly appreciated.
Bible Day Camp -
- We are looking for volunteers. If you are interested please let Margaret know (either in person or via email at Registration for campers will open May 13, 2024.
- Large Puzzle Pieces - We are collecting large puzzle pieces (ie. floor puzzles) for a BDC craft. If you have any puzzles to donate, please place them on the table in Megan's office.
Bridal Showers -
- All women and girls are welcome to a bridal shower for Megan Deel on Saturday June 22 at 6 pm at Jeff & Kerri Kennedy's home. The food is going to be desserts in honour of Megan, who loves a good dessert! You can check out Megan & Devin's registry at Donations can be given to Kerri for a group gift.
- On Sunday July 7 there will be a money shower for Hannah Kent & Micah Vandewetering. Donations can be given to Kerri Kennedy. Join us for coffee and cake after worship as we celebrate Hannah & Micah's upcoming wedding.
Giving More in 2024 - Reminder for the month of April - think Spring Cleaning. Bring in items that you would use to clean up around your house. If you need any ideas, check out the poster on the bulletin board between the washrooms. All items are appreciated.
Niagara Christian Gleaners -
- *Niagara Christian Gleaners - We are super excited to announce The Gettys are coming to Hamilton and have chosen NCG as one of the causes they would like to support. Tickets are available! Concert date is Saturday October 26, 2024 at First Ontario Concert Hall in Hamilton. Click here to purchase tickets.
- If you're able to help please use the signup link to let me know you're coming. Two simple steps and you're signed up! Click this link Review the options listed and choose the spot(s) you like.
Newsletter - Attached is a newsletter from Micah 6 Community. A printed copy will be on the Missions' bulletin board near the offices. Also see below for an updated 2024 Micah 6 team photo.
What are Tintern Kids Praying For?
Kindergarten Sunday Class
Lydia: praying that the sun keeps shining
Lucy: praying to keep animals safe
Grade 1-3 Sunday Class
Lucy: praying to keep animals safe
Grade 1-3 Sunday Class
Hailey: praying for Grammy's foot to feel better
Whole class: praying for good weather on Monday
Mrs. Whitfield: prayers for help being a good neighbour for a grieving family
Grade 4-5 Sunday Class
Whole class: praying for good weather on Monday
Mrs. Whitfield: prayers for help being a good neighbour for a grieving family
Grade 4-5 Sunday Class
Miranda: praying that everyone is safe & does not go blind
Allie: praying that my playdate goes well
Peyton: praying that the solar eclipse goes well
Grade 1-5 Wednesday Class
Allie: praying that my playdate goes well
Peyton: praying that the solar eclipse goes well
Grade 1-5 Wednesday Class
Claire: that everyone has fun signing up for track and field
Miranda: that I have a good week at school
Hailey: that my grandma’s foot feels better
Knox: that my grandma’s foot feels better
Aiden: that school goes well and comfort for grandma
Allie: that school goes well
Taryn: that school goes well
Miranda: that I have a good week at school
Hailey: that my grandma’s foot feels better
Knox: that my grandma’s foot feels better
Aiden: that school goes well and comfort for grandma
Allie: that school goes well
Taryn: that school goes well
Upcoming Events:
Apr 19 Friday Night Connect @ 7pm
Apr 19-21 GL Youth Rally
Apr 28 Service Sunday
May 2-5 Micah 6 Trip
May 4 Rock N Roll at the Diner
May 10 Friday Night Connect
May 25 Village of Hope Food Drive
May 26 GL Chorus at Tintern
May 26 Linhaven Singing
a-camp-omagh-sos.pdf the-seedwinter-2024-vol1.pdf 2024 04 07 Groundbreaking on Webster Community Center.pdf