Prayers - For Tintern's prayer list, check out our website The "Prayer Hub" button (top right corner or click here) is where you will find our list of prayers. You can also add prayers.
Kids Coin Collection - This Sunday is our coin collection. Our kids are going to help collect the money for the kids we are sponsoring. We are sponsoring two children through Christian Relief Fund - Dulce Velasquez (from Guatemala) and Ambar Gonzales (from Honduras) and also CityKidz in Hamilton. You can e-transfer money to, in the message box be sure to let us know that the funds are for the Kids Collection.
Singing at Linhaven - This Sunday (March 3) bring a bag lunch and we'll eat together before we leave for Linhaven. We can also car pool. We plan to be there before 1:30 pm. Please speak to Sandy McBay if you have any questions..
Shelter Helps, El Salvador - Please pray for our trip to El Salvador on March 9th, we will be joining Shelter Helps Bethany church to assist in building homes. The Lord willing, by March 15th over 100 people will have a secure dry safe home to live in!! If you would like to be part of building a home please go to: Designation: Roger & Catharine Perry/Bethany March trip.
March Friday Night Connect - Come to the building from 7-9pm on Friday, March 8th for a games night including a crokinole tournament. There will be ice cream treats for everyone. Thank you to Bruce and Linda Minter for hosting.
Personal Evangelism Seminar (formerly known as Training for Service) - March 29-31. The FRIDAY (March 29) sessions will be held at GREAT LAKES CHRISTIAN HIGH SCHOOL at 4875 King St, Beamsville, ON L3J 2J1 in the auditorium/gymnasium. Please bring food on the Friday. The Strathmore congregation will provide coffee, tea, milk and cream. Registration starts at 9:00 AM. See attached poster for more details.
The SATURDAY & SUNDAY (March 30 & 31) sessions will be held at STRATHMORE BOULEVARD CHURCH OF CHRIST at 346 Strathmore Blvd, Toronto, ON M4C 1N3. Light refreshments will be offered and there will be a potluck on the Sunday. See poster for times.
The Personal Evangelism Seminar is hosted by the Strathmore Boulevard Church of Christ. The speaker is Austin Fowler of House to House School of Evangelism. The details are in the flyer below. A printed copy is available on the bulletin board between the washrooms.
Good Friday Evening Service - We are looking forward to hosting a Devotional Service here at Tintern on Good Friday (March 29) at 7pm where we will mark the events of the day and reflect on the spiritual significance of Jesus' sacrifice on the cross. The service will begin at 7pm and be about 1 hour long. It is suitable for the whole family. If you have any questions about it feel free to contact Noel.
Young Adult Pizza & Games Night - The Young Adults are invited to Roger and Catherine Perry's home on Saturday, March 30 for pizza and games at 6:30pm. Bring your favourite toppings as we will be making pizzas
2024 Ladies Spring Bible Study - All ladies are invited to attend the spring bible study. It will based around Micah 6:8. The dates are April 12 & 13 at the Meridian Community Centre in Fonthill. For more information contact Ronnet Meeboer 905-941-4635 or Robin Fairchild at 905-941-6130. There is a poster on the bulletin board between the washrooms. Attached is an image with the information. Also there is a registration form attached. Printed copies of the registration forms are with the poster on the bulletin board.
Micah 6 Mission Trip - We are headed to Micah 6 in Pontiac, Michigan and are inviting anyone from the congregation who wants to join. The dates are Thursday, May 2 - Sunday, May 5. If you're interested in going, talk to Megan.
Giving More in 2024 – March – Food insecurity in the Niagara Region is a growing issue. One in five households (20.7 per cent) in Niagara are food insecure (Canadian Income Survey, 2022) 18.3 per cent of Niagara children and youth aged one to 17 years of age live in food insecure households (Canadian Health Survey of Children and Youth, 2019) ( For the month of March, you are encouraged to bring in canned goods (veggies, fruit etc.) and/or drinks like juice boxes, coffee and tea. Cards are in your mailboxes. Donation boxes are at both entrances.
An Opportunity for Hospitality - We received a request from the Princess Margaret Ride to Conquer Cancer Event asking if our church would be willing to be a rest stop on this year's route. It's a great opportunity to support a great cause and be a good neighbour. We are looking for someone who could coordinate some volunteers here at Tintern. Would you be willing to help us host the group this year? Besides a coordinator, we are looking for people who could be on site mornings (9am - 1pm) and afternoons (1pm - 5pm) on Friday June 7th or Saturday June 8th. Reply if you like to help us be good hosts.
Camp Omagh - Registration is now open:
A Note of Thanksgiving - Helene B's parents have arrived in Halifax, joining her sister Leya. Helene and Violet are visiting them right now. Leya and her kids are now in an apartment and the school-age kids are attending school. The rest of the family is living in a transitional hotel for the time being.
Annual Hosanna & Mattaniah Choirs Concert - at HAMILTON’S FIRSTONTARIO CONCERT HALL!! – March 30, 2024 - Tickets are now available for the annual combined concert of the Hosanna Choir & Mattaniah Christian Male Choir concert which will once again be held, the Lord willing, at FirstOntario Concert Hall, 1 Summers Lane, Hamilton on Saturday, March 30 at 7:30pm. The choirs will be accompanied by Ryan Vandenberg (Organ), Andre Knevel (Organ), and Naomi Noorduyn (Piano) and the 13-piece Scott Harrison Brass/Percussion Ensemble. Tickets are available at $25 & $35, and can be obtained through the choir’s website ( a choir member, or contact Wendy den Hollander at 905-628-1211 or at
Newsletters - Attached is a newsletter from Camp Omagh. A printed copy is also posted on the bulletin board between the washrooms.
Niagara Christian Gleaners - If you're able to help please use the signup link to let me know you're coming. Two simple steps and you're signed up!
What are Tintern Kids Praying For?
Grade 1-3 Sunday Class (Feb 18)
Lucy: for gum
Claire: that me and my friend have a good play date
Kinsley: for my ducky
Aiden: that I can play with my friends
Devin: grateful to have a warm place to stay
Grade 4-5 Sunday Class (Feb 18)
Claire: that me and my friend have a good play date
Kinsley: for my ducky
Aiden: that I can play with my friends
Devin: grateful to have a warm place to stay
Grade 4-5 Sunday Class (Feb 18)
Allie: for my Great Aunt Sharon who is sick
Miranda: for my school project
Elet: that hockey goes well
Suanne: thank you for Family Day and getting to spend time with family
Megan: about the sugar fast
Wednesday Intergenerational Class (Feb 21)
Miranda: for my school project
Elet: that hockey goes well
Suanne: thank you for Family Day and getting to spend time with family
Megan: about the sugar fast
Wednesday Intergenerational Class (Feb 21)
God give us thankful hearts. I am thankful for...
Claire: for my pets and friends
William: for my family
Nathan: that knowledge is so accessible to everyone
Madison: that we have a basketball tournament
Russ: for Jesus being the sacrifice for all of us
Dana: for my kids
Roger W: for where we live, opportunities we have, and my family
Angela: for food, especially after fasting
Lucy: for my family
Peter: for friends at school
Lochlan: for my hockey tournament
Miranda: for everything
Allie: for a roof over our heads
Margaret: for vacation
Jim W: that Ben is home this week
Jim B: for friends
William: for my family
Nathan: that knowledge is so accessible to everyone
Madison: that we have a basketball tournament
Russ: for Jesus being the sacrifice for all of us
Dana: for my kids
Roger W: for where we live, opportunities we have, and my family
Angela: for food, especially after fasting
Lucy: for my family
Peter: for friends at school
Lochlan: for my hockey tournament
Miranda: for everything
Allie: for a roof over our heads
Margaret: for vacation
Jim W: that Ben is home this week
Jim B: for friends
Kindergarten Sunday Class (Feb 25)
Lucy: for Lydia
Lydia: that Daddy feels better
Russ: that Bethany feels better
Devin: that everyone who's sick gets better
Grade 1-3 Sunday Class (Feb 25)
Lydia: that Daddy feels better
Russ: that Bethany feels better
Devin: that everyone who's sick gets better
Grade 1-3 Sunday Class (Feb 25)
Hailey: that dad feels better
Knox: that dad feels better
Aiden: that mom feels better
Ms. Erika: that my test goes well
Grade 4-5 Sunday Class (Feb 25)
Knox: that dad feels better
Aiden: that mom feels better
Ms. Erika: that my test goes well
Grade 4-5 Sunday Class (Feb 25)
Elet: for my wrist to feel better
Allie: that mom's eye feels better
Miranda: that my gray fox project goes well
Megan: thankful to see family
Suanne: that Jeff's return to work goes well
Allie: that mom's eye feels better
Miranda: that my gray fox project goes well
Megan: thankful to see family
Suanne: that Jeff's return to work goes well
Wednesday Intergenerational Class (Feb 28)
I can love others by
Taryn: treating others the way we want to be treated
Allie: being respectful
Lochlan: helping others when they are upset
Peter: being kind
Lyla: helping them and listening to them
Lucy: making Lyla happy
Russ: praying for them
Dana: treating them better than you think they deserve
Judy: by being kind to others
Upcoming Events:
Mar 3 Singing at Linhaven
Mar 8 March Fri PM Connect @ 7pm
Mar 17 Tintern AGM
Mar 29 Personal Evangelism Seminar @ 9am
Mar 29 Good Friday Devo @ Tintern @ 7pm
Mar 30 Young Adult Pizza & Games Night
2024 Niagara Ladies Day Registration Form.pdf 2024 02 28 NLC Bulletin Announcements.pdf 2024-camp-is-waking-up-compressed.pdf