Prayers - For Tintern's prayer list, check out our website The "Prayer Hub" button (top right corner or click here) is where you will find our list of prayers. You can also add prayers.
Please send your submissions for the eBulletin to
Mud Season - With the wet and/or snowy weather, the parking lot becomes muddy! Please wipe off your shoes when you enter the building on the mats provided. Parents encourage your children to do the same. Also, the exit door at the back of the Fellowship Hall is not an entry door. There are no mats there to remove mud/dirt/snow from shoes. Please re-enter through the main doors. Thank you!
Picture Bulletin Board - It's time to update the family pictures on Tintern's picture bulletin board. Send Margaret a recent family photo. It could be from the summer, the fall or perhaps even during the past holiday season.
2024 Receipts - If you have any 2024 receipts that have not been turned in, please turn them in to Carolyn W or email to by January 31, 2025.
Fellowship Groups and Life Groups Questionnaire - We are gathering information about small groups at Tintern. Please look for a poll in your email next week regarding Fellowship Groups and Life Groups.
**Poll Questions**
We're exploring the possibility of restarting a small group ministry at Tintern and would appreciate your feedback. In the past, we've had two distinct types of small groups:
- Fellowship Groups: These medium-sized groups (25-40 people) typically met once a month at the church building for a potluck lunch immediately after Bible classes on a Sunday morning. Fellowship Groups focused on developing relationships (especially with newer members), sharing hospitality by inviting visitors to join for lunch, and making connections. These groups were active at Tintern until the COVID shutdowns.
- Life Groups: These small groups (8-16 people) met in homes weekly or every other week for a short Bible study/devotion and prayer. Life Groups focused on spiritual formation and community building. These groups were last active at Tintern over 10 years ago.
In order for us to gauge interest prepare accordingly please answer the following questions
Would you be interested in participating regularly with Monthly Fellowship Groups?
- No I'm not interested at this time
- Yes, I'm interested sign me up
- Yes I'm interested but I need to know more information
Would you be interested in participating regularly with weekly or biweekly Life Groups
- No I'm not interested at this time
- Yes, I'm interested sign me up
- Yes I'm interested but I need to know more information
Thank you for your participation.
Vacuum - Sellina Masumbuko is looking for a vacuum cleaner, preferably one with a hose. If anyone has one they would like to donate please contact Geoff Taylor 289-253-9443.
Sunshine Suitcase - Anna-Lise Z will be going down to Lubbock, Texas in early February to visit Scott and Tereasa. She is taking a suitcase with her that she would love to fill with little gifts to encourage and cheer them up. Cards and letters are also welcome. If you are interested please bring in any items by Sunday January 26 (that's this coming Sunday) to Tintern. Please not that the items in the suitcase are to be a surprise for Scott and Tereasa.
Convos Youth Zone - We have a new location (4548 Ontario Street)! Please join an open house at 7:00-9:00pm Friday Feb. 7th (click here to RSVP).
**If you were members of Convos in the last 2 years, PLEASE JOIN US before the open house, at 6:00pm, for our annual AGM - please RSVP so we can make quorum - and THANK YOU for your support! See you on February 7th!
**If you were members of Convos in the last 2 years, PLEASE JOIN US before the open house, at 6:00pm, for our annual AGM - please RSVP so we can make quorum - and THANK YOU for your support! See you on February 7th!
Bible Day Camp Planning - If you are interested in helping plan Bible Day Camp this year, please see Megan or Jodie as our first meeting will be soon. Please prayerfully consider joining!
It's time for the 2nd Annual Chilli Cook-Off (and Superbowl Watch Party) - Everyone is invited to join us at the building on Sun Feb 9th starting at 5pm! Bring some side dishes or snacks to share or you can enter in our Chilli Contest (see below). We have lined up a panel of "secret chilli judges" to award a "Critic's choice" award for the best chill as well as awarding a "People's Choice Award" to the chilli that receives the most votes.
We'll also have the "Prop bet Contest." Will TSwift make an appearance? What colour Gatorade do they have on the sidelines? What team scores the first touchdown? Make all your predictions and see who gets the most right!
We'll pause at half time to have brief devo together and have a great evening of fellowship together. If you would like to enter the chill contest email Noel by Saturday Feb 8 with your name and the Flavour of Chilli you're preparing. We'll make labels and make sure we've got space for your special batch when the chill is served at 530pm. If you have any other questions reach out to Noel. See you then.
We'll also have the "Prop bet Contest." Will TSwift make an appearance? What colour Gatorade do they have on the sidelines? What team scores the first touchdown? Make all your predictions and see who gets the most right!
We'll pause at half time to have brief devo together and have a great evening of fellowship together. If you would like to enter the chill contest email Noel by Saturday Feb 8 with your name and the Flavour of Chilli you're preparing. We'll make labels and make sure we've got space for your special batch when the chill is served at 530pm. If you have any other questions reach out to Noel. See you then.
February Connect - Next month's Connect event is on Saturday, February 15th from 4 - 6:30pm. We will be joining the free, public skate at the Fleming Centre that begins at 4. We have a meeting room booked from 4:30 - 6:30. During that time we will have a pizza dinner. Bring a friend and come skate and eat!
Niagara Christian Gleaners - You are invited to join us for our annual Fundraising Dinner Weekend. The dates are Friday, 21 March 2025 & Saturday, 22 March 2025. It will once again be held at the beautiful West Niagara Agricultural Centre, 7402 Mud St W, Grassie, Ont. Doors open for the Silent Auction at 5pm and Dinner is at 6pm. Our guest speaker this year will be a representative from Samaritan’s Purse Canada - one of our trusted distribution partners. Seating is limited. A free will offering will be taken. All proceeds go towards NCG’s Operating Expenses. Please reserve your seats through our website at Donations for our Silent Auction are also appreciated. They can be dropped off at the Gleaners any weekday morning. Questions/comments please contact us at
Nonperishable Items - "Blessed are those whose help is the God of Jacob, whose hope is in the Lord their God. He is the Maker of heaven and earth, the sea, and everything in them—he remains faithful forever. He upholds the cause of the oppressed and gives food to the hungry." Psalm 146:5-7(a) Tintern will continue to collect non-perishable items. For the month of January please bring in canned veggies, fruit and meat. Any non-perishable items gladly accepted!
Participation - If you would like to participate in A/V ministry, song leading, praying, sharing communion thoughts, reading scripture, family time announcements or teaching/ helping in the Sunday School/Wednesday night program, please reply to this email or speak to Noel, Megan or Margaret.
Newsletters - Attached is a newsletter from Yvon Beaudoin.
What Are TINbits Praying For?
Grade 3 - 5 Sunday Class
Hailey: that Knox and Lydia feel better
Claire: that Hailey's birthday goes great!
Aiden: Thankful to go to my friend's for a playdate today
Elet: Sad that we've ended up losing our hockey streak! We want to end the season with a 3 game winning streak
Claire: that Hailey's birthday goes great!
Aiden: Thankful to go to my friend's for a playdate today
Elet: Sad that we've ended up losing our hockey streak! We want to end the season with a 3 game winning streak
K - 5 Wednesday Class
Thank you God for protecting me:
Hailey: when I am leaning new gymnastic moves so I don't break any bones
Claire: and my family when we were in Mexico
Lucy: from getting sick
Upcoming Events:
Feb 8 Men's Breakfast 8am @ Tintern
Feb 9 Super Bowl Chili Cookoff 5pm @Tintern
Feb 15 February Connect Event 4pm @ Fleming Centre