eBulletin   -   Jan 04, 2024

January 4, 2024 eBulletin


Prayers - For Tintern's prayer list, check out our website www.tinternchurchofchrist.ca. The "Prayer Hub" button (top right corner or click here) is where you will find our list of prayers. You can also add prayers.

Kids Coin Collection - This Sunday is our coin collection. Our kids are going to help collect the money for the kids we are sponsoring. We are sponsoring two children through Christian Relief Fund - Dulce Velasquez [NEW] (from Guatemala) and Ambar Gonzales (from Honduras) and also CityKidz in Hamilton. You can e-transfer money to tinternpayables@gmail.com, in the message box be sure to let us know that the funds are for the Kids Collection.  

Good News - Peter M's wife Neema has received her immigration visa has a flight booked to arrive on January 20th! 

Volunteers Needed - We are looking for someone who could serve as a coordinator for semi-monthly visits to Linhaven LTC facility and to the UM Home in Vineland. Margaret, Megan and Noel can help you get the word out to he congregation but we are looking for a person to coordinate the visits. Contact us if you would like to help with this in 2024.

Volunteers Needed - We are also looking for a volunteer A/V coordiator who can organize training for our teen and preteen volunteers as well as some oversight of the equipment at the back of the auditorium. Contact Noel if you would like to contribute in this way in 2024!

Praise Team Binders - Attention Tintern artists. We are in the process of updating the praise team binders and hope to have printed copies available in the new year. We are looking for someone to provide a drawing for the cover page. It needs to be black line art. The lines need to be dark/heavy as we will be scanning and printing the art for the cover page. If you are interested please speak to Noel or Margaret.

2024 The Year of Giving More - Let's bring back the Food Drive in 2024!  Feed Ontario reported late last year the number of people who used Ontario food banks went up 38 per cent - the largest single-year increase recorded by the province's food bank network). Giving to our neighbours in need is a great way to train our kids (and be spiritually formed ourselves). Each week lets have someone in your family bring a non-perishable item to the building and deposit it in the wheelbarrow in the front foyer. All contributions will be distributed to our four local food banks (Community Care in Beamsville, the Village of Hope in Jordan, GBF in Grimsby and West Lincoln Community Care in Smithville). While out doing your grocery shopping, see what items are on sale and pick some up. Let's make a difference in our community in 2024!

Boxes - If you have any medium to large size boxes that we could use to transport the non-perishable items that we collect we could use those boxes. Bring them to the building and Margaret will store them until they are used. Thanks.

New for 2024 - Intergenerational Midweek Bible Study. Starting on Wednesday January 10th we will be trying an exciting new way of studying the Bible together. Our kids in Kindergarten up to Grade 8 will have an opportunity to share a Bible story with the adult class after which we will have a chance to ask each other questions and do some follow up activities. It is a chance for us to help each other learn about God and learn about the kids in our congregation. Contact Noel for more details.

February Friday Night Connect - We are looking for a host for February's FNC. It will be on February 9 from 7-9pm. If you're interested, please see Megan.

Free Indeed: Men's Conference February 2-3, 2024 - Hope Bible Church is hosting a satellite site of the Free Indeed Men's Conference in St. Catharines. Friday night session begins at 7pm with a full program including Breakfast on Saturday. You can get more details here: https://hopeoakville.ca/free-indeed/. Conference cost is $45 and you can register online here: (https://brushfire.com/hopebiblechurchoakville/niagarafreeindeedmensconference2024/566979). Contact Jeff Whitfield if you're interested in going (maybe we can facilitate rides)

The Faham Katan Family - Please pray for Samia, Moamar and the family as they deal with a lot of change for their family. Pray for Raneem as she settles in to living at Bethesda. Pray for a good living situation for her. Pray for healing for Moamar's back as he is waiting for surgery. Perhaps you could visit the family and provide some encouragement firsthand. Contact Roger Perry or Noel if you would like to help out.

Micah 6 Trip - This year's Micah 6 trip will be May 2 - 5. Anyone from the congregation is welcome to join. More information to come.

BDC Preplanning Meeting - If you would like to be involved in the planning of this year's Bible Day Camp (Hometown Nazareth: Where Jesus was a Kid) we will have our first meeting on Sunday January 28 following worship. Bring a bagged lunch. If you have any questions contact Margaret.

Niagara Christian Gleaners
  1. In 2023 we were entrusted with over 3 million pounds of fresh, surplus produce. With these generous food donations and with the help of our volunteers and financial supporters we were able to prepare and share over 13 million servings of dehydrated food aid in 2023. Through our trusted distribution partners, we sent food into 9 different countries including Canada. Out of the more than 13 million servings, over 4 million servings were used as crisis aid in Poland, Romania and Ukraine as the war in that region continues. The global demand for food aid continues to grow as food insecurity is the reality for many across the world. Canada is incredibly blessed with an abundance of food and our willingness to compassionately share with others is the test we want to pass - all in Christ's name. To learn more about this ministry please visit https://niagaragleaners.org/
  2. Click the link below to sign up for a Saturday Morning helping the Gleaners. Contact Sandy McBay for more details https://signup.com/go/OyEQOLo.
Newsletters - Copies are attached and posted on bulletin boards in the back foyer.
  1. Village of Hope - See attached thank you letter regarding our support for their Season of Hope campaign.
  2. West Lincoln Community Care - See attached thank you letter regarding the hygiene products.
  3. Micah 6 - See attached newsletter regarding their Santa Workshop - 1,256 kids received toys!
  4. Micah 6 - See attached end of year (2023) and new year (2024) newsletter.
  5. Safe Families Canada - See attached end of year newsletter.

What Are Tintern Kids Praying For

A blast from the past!

Grade 2-3 Sunday Class (from July 2023)
God, help me show self-control by...
Aiden: Not spraying water on my sister & by using kind words
Miranda: Listening to instructions before starting something
Madison: Listening to my counsellor & cabinmates

Upcoming Events:

Jan 10 @7pm        Midweek Bible Study starts up again for 2024 (See above)
Jan 28 @noon       BDC Bagged Lunch Preplanning Meeting

2023 12 23 VoH Thank You Letter.pdf

2023 12 21 WLCC Thank You Letter.pdf


