eBulletin   -   Jun 01, 2023

June 1, 2023 eBulletin


Prayers - For Tintern's prayer list, check out our website www.tinternchurchofchrist.ca. The "Prayer Hub" button (top right corner or click here) is where you will find our list of prayers. You can also add prayers.

GL Chorus - Thank you to the GL Chorus for joining us for worship last Sunday. They did a fantastic job!

Condolences - June Langford passed away Tuesday, May 30. Al and June had been married for 70 years. Click here to read her obituary. Please keep Al and the family in your prayers. The family will receive family and friends at Tallman Funeral Homes, 3277 King Street, Vineland, on Friday June 2, 2023, from 11:00 am.  Funeral to follow at 12 p.m. A light lunch will be served in the Fireside Room followed by an interment service at Mount Osborne. To view the livestream of the service please CLICK HERE

Bible Day Camp
  1. Registration is still open. If you haven't already, please register your children. Click here to register. Any registration questions please speak to Lindsay Cramp.
  2. Please bring in empty paper towel rolls. There is a white bin in Margaret's office where they can be placed.
  3. Margaret is looking for volunteers for key spots. If you are available for the week or even part of the week please speak to her as soon as possible.
Tintern Work Bee - On Saturday June 3rd we will be holding a work bee to complete some spring cleaning tasks. We will start at 9am and will wrap up before noon. Please let Evan Cramp know if you are able to help out so he has an idea how many jobs to plan for.

Bible Day Camp Work Bee - This year we will be having only one work bee to get ready for Bible Day Camp - Saturday June 24. If you are a volunteer, please arrive at 10am for our meeting. As soon as the meeting is done we will start our projects. Lunch will be provided. It would be very helpful to know who will be here so that we can order enough food. Please let Margaret know if you will be at the work bee. Click here to send her a quick email.

Friday Night Connect - Everyone is welcome!!! Our first rebooted FNC will be June 9th at Jas and Justine Mogford's (5184 Fly Rd) from 7-9 pm. Snacks will be provided. Please bring lawn chairs for your family. We will be outside doing an obstacle course and discussing the importance of Christian fellowship. 

Hosting a Friday Night Connect - Each month, a different family will host a FNC. If you're interested in what this might look like, see the hosting info sheet attachment below or grab a copy from the mailboxes. To sign up, see Megan or sign up via this link. 

Lane Cemetery Service - Everyone is invited to attend the service at Lane Cemetery on Sunday June 18 at 2 pm. Bring lawn chairs. In the event of rain the service will be held at St. Ann's Community Church.

Omagh Work Days - Did you know we are less than six weeks away from start of camp? We need your help at our ALL CAMP WORK DAY this Saturday, June 3. Come anytime between 8am - 2pm 1014 Lower Base Line West, Milton, ON L9T2X8
Our next work day will be June 17, same time, same place! We will be working on sprucing up the buildings (inside and out) and getting the grounds in shape. Bring a water bottle and pack a snack or lunch if you wish. Don't forget your hat, work gloves and some sunscreen! It's just not Omagh without YOU!

What Are Tintern Kids Praying For?

Grade 1 & Under Sunday Class 
God, I know you will help me be brave...
Kinsely: At school
Lydia: At school
Lucy: At school
Knox: On the diving board

Grades 2-3 Sunday Class 
Elet: praying that Dad has a good work trip
Claire: praying that Smokey's new family takes good care of him, and thankful for our Niagara Falls trip
Aiden: praying that the upcoming week goes well

Grades 4 & 5 Sunday Class 
Help us fix our eyes on Jesus when...
Lochlan: the puppies leave
Gwen: I have trouble with my friends
Allie: I am sad
Peyton: school is a challenge

Grade 1 & Under Wednesday Class 
With the power of Jesus, I love…
Lucy: mom and dad. Also praying for Ellie to get better.
Knox: God, Jesus, Opa, and my family
Lydia: mom and dad

Upcoming Events

Jun 3 @ 9am        Tintern Work Bee
Jun 4                     Young Adult Led Worship
Jun 4 @ 4pm        The Chosen - Episode 5 Clean Part 2
Jun 16 @ 3pm      GL Commencement & Graduation
Jun 18 @ 2pm      Lane Cemetery Service
Jun 18 @4pm       The Chosen - Episode 6 Intensity in Tent City
Jun 24 @10am     BDC Work Bee
Jun 28 @7pm       Ice Cream Social

eBulletin - If you have anything for the bulletin please send the information to tinternchurchofchrist@gmail.com

Tintern in Person and Online - Join us this Sunday for in-person service at 9:45 am.  To watch live on our website click here https://www.tinternchurchofchrist.ca/watch. It will go live about 9:45 Sunday morning. You can always find us on Tintern's YouTube channel as well (https://www.youtube.com/user/tinterncofc).  

Hosting a FNC.pdf

2023 GL Commencement Graduation.jpg

2023 Omagh Work Days.jpg