eBulletin   -   May 23, 2024

May 23, 2024 eBulletin


Prayers - For Tintern's prayer list, check out our website www.tinternchurchofchrist.ca. The "Prayer Hub" button (top right corner or click here) is where you will find our list of prayers. You can also add prayers.

GL Chorus - We are looking forward to hearing the GL Chorus on Sunday. Join us if you can. 

Bible Day Camp
  1. We are needing more volunteers for Bible Day Camp. Please talk to Margaret about ways in which you can help.
  2. Online registration for participants is open. Click here to register: http://vbspro.events/p/tinternbdc2024. 
  3. Help us get the word out. Lawn Bag Signs are at the entry ways. Please take a sign and help us promote Bible Day Camp in our community. They should be returned on July 7.
  4. Pop Bottles - We are looking for clean/empty pop bottles (clear single serve size approx. 500ml). No water bottles please. If you have any they can be left in Megan's office.
Erika Tallman - Pray for Erika as for the next three and a half weeks she is in Costa Rica for a Bible school/mission trip through a company called Torchbearers International (https://torchbearers.org/). 

June Friday Night Connect - Mark your calendars for June FNC! - June 7, 7-9pm. More information to come, soon.

Garden Club - Our planter boxes are ready for another growing season. If you're interested in looking after one of our boxes contact Noel ASAP. We are also looking for some helpers to help us planting a surprise for our Dads next month.  Contact Noel if your interested.

Camp Omagh - What would we do without drinking water and the pool? So, first projects as we get camp ready....new UV filters for our drinking water system are being installed and the pool is getting a facelift. Step one--sandblasting--COMPLETED. We'll keep you posted on the pool progress. Or better yet, be a worker BEE. Come on out for our June 1 work day. There are lots of things to do. 8am-4pm. Lunch is provided!

Praise in the Park - Fenwick Church of Christ has sent us an invitation to Praise in the Park. The churches of Pelham are partnering to put on a bandshell concert the first Sunday of every month in the summer. The first is June 2nd.

Radiant Women's Conference - Hope Bible Church Niagara (10 Arlington Avenue, St. Catharines, ON L2P 3A4) is hosting as a satellite location from the main conference happening at Hope Oakville!  Join us June 7 & 8 for rich teaching and fellowship as we open the word of the Lord together! Register HERE! We hope to see you there! 
Please note: Each woman attending the conference must register under her own name. The cost to attend the Niagara location per person is - $40.00 + fee =$45.11
For more information on speakers and Frequently Asked Questions please visit the Radiant Women's Conference website.

"Those who look to him are radiant" - Psalm 34:5  

Bridal Showers -
  1. All women and girls are welcome to a bridal shower for Megan Deel on Saturday June 22 at 6 pm at Jeff & Kerri Kennedy's home. The food is going to be desserts in honour of Megan, who loves a good dessert! You can check out Megan & Devin's registry at https://www.theknot.com/us/megan-deel-and-devin-walker-sep-2024/registry. Donations can be given to Linda Smith or e-transfer to Linda at mcls2@icloud.com for a group gift.
  2. On Sunday July 7 there will be a money shower for Hannah Kent & Micah Vandewetering. Donations can be given to Kerri Kennedy. Join us for coffee and cake after worship as we celebrate Hannah & Micah's upcoming wedding.
WAVES - The 2024 AGM for the WAVES will be May 25 at 10 am. It is an in person or Zoom meeting. The Zoom information is below.

Topic: WAVES - AGM 2024
Time: May 25, 2024 10:00 AM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 848 3092 2352
Passcode: 341758

From Bramalea Church of Christ - Debbie Whittington is planning to participate in a medical mission trip to Zambia this summer. The effort is spearheaded by brethren in Zambia and evangelistic efforts of the "WestReach Campaign", which is under the oversight of the elders of the College church of Christ in Searcy, Arkansas. Each member of the mission has been asked to raise $5000 US for the trip which includes travel costs and medical supplies among other things. If you live in Canada and would like to donate to this cause, please give your donation to the Bramalea church of Christ and earmark it "Zambia Mission." If you are located in the United States you can donate through the College church of Christ website and select "WestReach-Zambia" as your fund. Please mark your donation with "Debbie Whittington" in the memo line to help contribute to her fundraising efforts. We are prayerful that the fruits of this mission will be plentiful and that many souls will be blessed by it.

Giving More in 2024“Feed the hungry, and help those in trouble. Then your light will shine out from the darkness, and the darkness around you will be as bright as noon.”  Isaiah 58:10  Thank you for helping to make a difference in our area! In June watch for snack items on sale. Any non perishable food items of your choice always welcome. 

Singing at Linhaven - Please note that we will NOT be singing at Linhaven on Sunday May 26, 2024.

Meester Insurance Golf Tournament - We are proud to be hosting the Community Living Golf Tournament in support of Community Living Grimsby, Lincoln & West Lincoln on September 4th. If you are interested in golfing or sponsoring, please contact Tim Bartels: timb@meesterinsurance.com or 905-957-2333 x4251.  

Niagara Christian Gleaners
  1. Niagara Christian Gleaners is an amazing, volunteer based ministry. We’d like you to consider getting involved and to come and join our army of volunteers. The opportunities abound and every volunteer makes a difference as we prepare nutritious dehydrated food aid for those who are in need - all across the globe. We operate a modern food plant located in the heart of the Niagara Peninsula. To learn more please visit our website:   www.niagaragleaners.org
  2. Are you one of approximately 50% of Canadians who do not have an up-to-date Will? Do you want to support the charities you love more effectively? On Thursday June 13th , 2024 @ 12:00 pm and 7:30 pm, Christian Stewardship Services Consultant, Marinus Koole will be sharing a Will & Estate Planning Presentation. There is no cost to join in. The sessions will be held in the  fellowship room at Niagara Christian Gleaners, 6251 Spring Creek Rd, Smithville, Ontario. Free lunch will be provided for the noon session. You may also schedule personal visits to discuss your unique situation. For further information or to reserve your lunch spot, please contact CSS at: marinusk@csservices.ca or 1-800-267-8890, ext.225
Newsletters - Attached is a newsletter from Village of Hope. A paper copy will be posted on the bulletin board between the washrooms.

What are the TINBits Praying For?

Kindergarten Sunday Class
Thank you for being with me when...
Lucy: I was scared
Lydia: I was sick
Eva: I have tests at school
Ms. Lindsay: I am busy and stressed out at work

Grade 1-3 Sunday Class
Aiden: looking forward to BDC
Kinsley: that my arm feels better
Hailey & Knox: that Papa feels better

Grade 4-5 Sunday Class
Elet: that I do well at the Regional Track Meet
Allie: that track & field goes well
Taryn: that I do well at the Regional Track & Field meet
Ruby: for my school trip at the Adventure Camp & my brother's track & field run
Peyton: that everyone else does well at track & field
Miss Bethany: for a hard situation at school
Miss Crystal: for a new student at my preschool

Kindergarten Wednesday Class
I can worship God by…
Lucy: coloring a picture of Jesus
Ms Margaret: singing together

Grade 1-5 Wednesday Class
Knox: that I have fun on our new trampoline
Hailey: my ear feels better, Madison feels better, and we have fun on our trampoline
Ms Jodie: for Madison and her family
Ms Megan: for patience and for Maddie

Upcoming Events:

May 25     Village of Hope Food Drive
May 25     WAVES AGM 9am @GL
May 25     Celebration of Sisterhood @ Wellandport Community Centre
May 26     GL Chorus @ Tintern
Jun 14      GL Commencement & Graduation
Jun 22      BDC Work Bee
Jun 22      Bridal Shower for Megan @ 6pm
Jun 23      Singing at Mennonite Home

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2024 05 22 VofH newsletter.pdf QR Code for Auditorium.jpg