eBulletin   -   Nov 09, 2023

November 9, 2023 eBulletin


Prayers - For Tintern's prayer list, check out our website www.tinternchurchofchrist.ca. The "Prayer Hub" button (top right corner or click here) is where you will find our list of prayers. You can also add prayers.

November Friday Night Connect - Join us this Friday, Nov 10 from 7-9pm at the church building for a board game night! All are welcome! Feel free to bring your favourite game. Snacks will be provided.

Newsletters and Reports
  1. Being His Hands - Hello family, friends, and all who support us in prayer and with finances - here is our latest Being His Hands work report and prayer requests for the past 4 months (July, August, September & October 2023). SO MUCH has happened it was impossible to cover it all. We are grateful that you lift us in prayer and partner with us. We also value when you take time to contact us personally with your encouragement and interaction with our prayer requests & sharing about our work. Grace and peace to all. - Joel & Kristin Osborne, Hiroaki & Megumi Akahoshi 
  2. Micah 6 - See their latest report below.
  3. Great Lakes Bible College - see below.
From Lawrence re Zambia Trip - I have prepared about 18 videos (1 minute to 6 minutes in length) to provide some updates on the experiences that I had.
Re social media:  Due to the personal nature of some of the material I won’t be putting most of it on social media. Here goes:

1 of 18 – Introducing My Hosts

FriendSpeak - Would you be interested in developing a deep personal relationship with an international student that introduces them to the Gospel? FriendSpeak relationships provide a rich benefit for students and their adult readers that can last years. Now that a higher number of English as a Second Language (ESL) students are returning the Great Lakes post Covid, we would like to restart FriendSpeak in the next 3-4 weeks. Please reach out to Katherine Perry or Jim Whitfield this week if you are interested in getting involved this year on most Wednesday nights when school is in session. Training will be provided. 

GL Chief Administrative Officer - We celebrate with but are saddened to announce that Don Rose, the Chief Administrative Officer of Great Lakes Christian College (High School and Preschool) is stepping down from his role effective June 30, 2024, after twenty-seven years of service as a teacher (1997-2006) and an executive administrator (2006-2024). During this time, he simultaneously served as the President of Great Lakes Bible College in Waterloo, Ontario (2006-2011) and as Principal of the High School program (2013–2018). While he continues to be passionate about the mission of GLCC, he stated that he would like to focus on quality time with his family and explore new professional, spiritual, and creative endeavours. As the Search Committee diligently works to identify our next CAO, we kindly request your assistance in spreading the word. For those interested in a more comprehensive description of the role, please go to www.glchs.on.ca/about/job-opportunities/. Should a printed version be preferred of the job ad sent to you, kindly send your address to development@glchs.ca

GLCHS Homestay Opportunity - GLCHS has two Japanese High School Students coming to be with us for 9 weeks starting mid-January 2024. We are looking for two separate local homestay hosts that would house and feed these girls. This is a paid opportunity. They will be away for two extended weekends during the 9 week time period. If you are interested in being considered as a host, please contact dwayne.williams@glchs.ca before Nov 12 2023

Great Lakes Christian High School - Attention Grade 6-8 families: Great Lakes Christian High School would like to invite you to our Open House and Shadow Day experience! NEW: Transportation available on demand from Stoney Creek and Grimsby as well as St. Catharines.
  1. Open House: Thursday November 16th at 6:30pm. Bring your family! Students will be hosted by current students during an Amazing Race in which they explore the school and meet teachers while parents will attend an info session with the Principal, Guidance counselor and other staff who work directly with your student in their future. Pizza provided before. (We know the challenge of fitting life in – we are parents too!) To register: Click Here. 
  2. Shadow Day: Friday, November 24th 8:00am-3:15pm. Students come for a day to experience what high school is like as a Great Lakes Laker! (Lunch provided). To register: Click Here.
Camp Omagh - Omagh is hiring!
  1. Kitchen Manager
    · Enjoy the preparation of a variety of foods
    · Prior kitchen/restaurant experience an asset
  2. Gounds Keeper/Maintenance person
    · Self-starter with a basic knowledge & skills in carpentry, plumbing, electrical, mechanics and general maintenance repairs
    · Must possess a valid driver’s license, and be capable of operating a range of equipment
To apply, send a resume and cover letter to hiring@campomagh.org 

Niagara Christian Gleaners - Periodically we host Saturday Morning Volunteer Sessions. Here is the signup link for those sessions. Please follow the same instructions as above: https://signup.com/go/OyEQOLo. (Please note that Saturday Sessions may be cancelled on short notice if there is a soft response to the signup. Thanks for understanding) 

2023 Living Water Gift Catalog is here! - Browse the catalog, choose your gift, transform lives. Shop here.

Annual Christmas Concert - Performing Arts @ Mountainview invites you the join us for our annual Christmas Concert “A Great Light” on Saturday December 9th at 7:30 p.m. Featuring the Hosanna Choir with Director: Herman den Hollander, Organists: Andre Knevel, Organist: Ryan VanderBerg, Pianist: Naomi Noorduyn. The concert will take place here at Mountainview Church 290 Main Street East, Grimsby. Tickets are $20 per person or $45.00 per family (w/children 15 & under). Tickets will be available via our website www.mountainviewcrc.org/events at the Dutch Shop in Grimsby or at the door on the evening of the concert. Proceeds from the evening will benefit the West Lincoln Memorial Hospital Foundation. 

What Are Tintern Kids Praying For?

Kindergarten Sunday Class (Oct 29)
God, help me be brave...
Lucy: at night when I'm scared of the dark
Lydia: when I see a snake

Grades 1-3 Sunday Class (Oct 29)
God, give me courage with...
Claire: school tests
Aiden: tests
Knox: gym at school
Hailey: being nice to my siblings
Megan: sticking to my training schedule
Tammy: making the right choices at work

Grades 4-5 Sunday Class (Oct 29)
Ruby: praying that my basketball game goes well
Elet: praying that my hockey game goes well
Jase: praying that a minecraft movie comes out
Tate: praying that my mom's cut on her thumb heals
Peyton: praying that my friend has a safe drive home
Allie: praying that my school assembly dance goes well

Kindergarten Sunday Class 
I thank God for...
Lucy: Naphtali
Lydia: Mommy

Grade 1-3 Sunday Class
Tate: praying for Roger who passed away from cancer
Claire: praying that me and Taryn have a good sleepover
Hailey: praying for my family
Knox: praying for grammy
Aiden: praying that karate goes well
Tammy: praying for good weather

Grade 4-5 Sunday Class
Peyton: praying that my friend's birthday party goes well
Ruby: thankful that I made the volleyball team
Allie: praying that dance goes well
Miranda: praying that I have a good week
Taryn: praying that gymnastics goes well and that I make the volleyball team
Jayce: praying for everyone
Megan: praying for good health

Kindergarten Wednesday Class
God, help me not to worry about…
Lucy & Lydia: the dark

Grade 1-5 Wednesday Class
Dear God, help me to be a good friend by…
Claire: helping people
Taryn: sharing my lunch with someone who doesn’t have one
Miranda: not leaving anyone out
Aiden: helping others
Hailey: being kind
Allie: being respectful

Upcoming Events

Nov 10 - Friday Night Connect @ 7pm
Nov 12 - EPIC Class Bake Sale   
Nov 16 - GLCHS - Amazing Race open house - Registration
Nov 24 - GLCHS - Shadow Day, grades 7-11 - Registration 

eBulletin - If you have anything for the bulletin please send the information to tinternchurchofchrist@gmail.com.

2023 12 09 Christmas Concert.jpg 2023 JulAugSeptOct BeingHisHands-compressed.pdf

2023 11 03 Homelessness at Micah 6.pdf

Two Ways to Support GLBC.pdf