eBulletin   -   Oct 13, 2022

October 13, 2022 eBulletin

Join us this Sunday for in-person service at 9:45 am. Masks are optional. If you are showing symptoms of COVID, please remain at home.

Tim Zavitz - Tim has completed the 10-day laying face down phase and now is in the 6 weeks of doing nothing phase.  

Marcia Cramp - Marcia had a fall on September 30 while on vacation in Utah breaking her tibia and fibula on her right leg. She had surgery at Hamilton General Hospital on Wednesday, October 12 and is recovering at home. We seek prayers for good pain control and fast healing.

Elder Nominations - Elder Nomination forms will be in mailboxes on Sunday October 16. Please prayerfully consider who you would like to nominate, fill out the form and turn it in by October 30. Return your completed form to the mailbox marked "Secretary" or give it to Margaret. If you are not a corporate member and would like to become one, please speak to one of the Elders. They can help you out with this process. Everyone is strongly encouraged to participate in the process. Should you misplace or lose your form, please let Margaret know and she can reprint it for you. If you have any questions, please speak to one of the Elders. 

Kids Coin Collection - This Sunday is our coin collection. Once again our kids are going to help collect the money for the kids we are sponsoring. We are sponsoring two children through Christian Relief Fund, Gabriela Jordan (from Piedras Negras, Mexico) and Ambar Gonzales (from Tegucigalpa, Honduras). You can also etransfer money to tinternpayables@gmail.com, in the message box be sure to let us know that the funds are for the kids collection.

June Tallman's Memorial - Is this Sunday, October 16, 2022 at 3:00 pm.

Wedding Bells - Caleb Ramey and Victoria Bodnitski would like to invite you to their wedding ceremony on Sunday, October 16, 2022 at the Miller Chapel at Ancaster Mill from 6-6:30pm. All are welcome! 

Camp Omagh - Final Camp Omagh workday is Sunday, October 16th at 2pm! There's still time for one more trip out to Camp Omagh!  We need your help closing up the campgrounds for the season!  Bring your trucks for some runs to the dump, bring your cleaning supplies, and please bring your own water, as the water system will be shut off by October 16th. Thanks for your support, and hope to see you one last time out at Camp Omagh this year!

Hello Church Family! - Exciting news to share…Dylan and Carrie Pyeatt are expecting a baby boy in January 2023! We will have an opportunity to celebrate and share in their joy when they join us in person on November 20th. As a way of extending our love to them we welcome anyone who would like to donate to a group gift to please connect with Phyllis Stanley, Sandy Mcbay, or Lori Hurley to make a financial contribution. We intend to share the gift with them when they visit in November so please make your donations by November 13th.

GL Alumni Banquet - Banquet ticket prices are increasing to $50 on Friday (Oct 14). So purchase your tickets TODAY to get the early-bird price of $40.

GL Alumni Weekend - Join us for an afternoon of food and games for all ages. Bring your lawn chair and enjoy playing lawn games with friends or just sitting around chatting about your years at GL. For those with children, we will have games, a bouncy castle, face painting, popcorn, and crafts for them - so bring the whole family. If you are headed to a class reunion in the afternoon, stop by for some food and a visit before you head out. (There is no charge for this event, but a free-will gift is appreciated.) https://greatlakeschs.wixsite.com/alumni-weekend-2022 

Pumpkin Carving Party - It's time again for our annual pumpkin carving party! Please RSVP to Crystal Cann if you can come and how many pumpkins your family would like. Date: Saturday October 29thTime: 10:30am. Pumpkins, candles, gloves and snacks provided. We do have some carving tools but if you have tools at home please bring them with you. If it's a nice day we'll be outside otherwise we'll be inside in the tiled entry.

Tintern Directory - The one page phone page is in your mailbox. If you'd like a digital copy please contact Margaret (office@tinternchurchofchrist.ca) and she can send one.

Be a Good Neighbour - Remember to check in with family, friends and neighbours. Also, local food banks are increasingly in need of food. Watch out for info regarding food drives in your area.

Prayers - We encourage you to check out our website www.tinternchurchofchrist.ca. In the "Prayer Hub" (top right corner, click on the button) is where you will find our list of prayers. You can add prayers as well.

What are our Tintern Kids Praying For

Grade 1 & Under Sunday Morning Class
We are thankful for..
Lydia- Daddy because he makes me eggs for breakfast.
Knox- Mommy and Daddy because they help me do my reading for school.
Lucy- Daddy because he helps me tie my shoes. 

Grades 2 & 3 Sunday Morning Class
Hailey- help Dad do well at police school.
Elet- thankful for my birthday
Miranda- help Dad to get better.
Taryn- thankful for my dogs.
Ezekiel- thankful to see my Grandpa this weekend
Ruby- thankful for Lawson and to celebrate his birthday.

Grades 4 & 5 Sunday Morning Class
Gwen- help Marcia's leg to get better
Lawson- help me do well at cross country.

Grades 2-5  Wednesday Evening Class
God please help with my worry and fear..
Lochlan- about whether or not I need bottom braces and that my top ones come off.
Allie- when I am writing my tests.
Ruby- that Lawson had a good birthday yesterday. 
Claire- about getting sick and not being able to go to the birthday party.
Miranda- about my Dads upcoming surgery.
Taryn- about my math test every day.
Aiden- about passing my reading test.
Elet- about my word test going well tomorrow.

Upcoming Events:

October 16 - @ 3:00 pm Memorial Service for June Tallman
October 21-23 - GL Alumni Weekend
October 29 - Pumpkin Carving Party @ 10:30 am
October 30 - Fifth Sunday (no classes, extended time of fellowship)

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