eBulletin   -   Oct 26, 2023

October 26, 2023 eBulletin


Prayers - For Tintern's prayer list, check out our website www.tinternchurchofchrist.ca. The "Prayer Hub" button (top right corner or click here) is where you will find our list of prayers. You can also add prayers.

Wil Maddeaux’s Memorial Service - Wil's service will be at Tintern Church of Christ, on Saturday, October 28th at 2:00 pm. Thank you so much for your awesome response for food. We are in need of 2 or 3 more helpers for setting up and clean up. Please contact Linda S at mcls2@icloud.com or 905-941-5248 to sign up to help.

Sunday Teacher Needs - We are in need of a Sunday morning teacher in TRUTH this coming Sunday October 29 and November 19 & 26. Curriculum is available if needed. Contact Megan if you’re available to help.  

Friday Night Connect Hosts - We are looking for a host for November's FNC (Nov 10th) as well as December's (Dec 8th). Megan is happy to partner with you in any planning or setup that you'd like help with. For more information on hosting a FNC, see the attached pdf or talk to Megan.  

Baby News - Congratulations to the Ramey and Tallman families. 
  1. Charlotte R arrived last Thursday night (October 19). Congratulations to Victoria & Caleb and families. 
  2. Madison T arrived yesterday (October 25). Congratulations to Brendan & Lauren Tallman and families and to great grandpa Ron.
Involvement Opportunities - If you are interested in participating in our worship services (song leading, praying, sharing communion thoughts, reading scripture, audio visual) or weeding/gardening, or teaching/helping in any of our classes, please reply to this email or speak to Margaret.

Great Lakes Christian High School - Attention Grade 6-8 families: Great Lakes Christian High School would like to invite you to our Open House and Shadow Day experience! NEW: Transportation available on demand from Stoney Creek and Grimsby as well as St. Catharines.
  1. Open House: Thursday November 16th at 6:30pm. Bring your family! Students will be hosted by current students during an Amazing Race in which they explore the school and meet teachers while parents will attend an info session with the Principal, Guidance counselor and other staff who work directly with your student in their future. Pizza provided before. (We know the challenge of fitting life in – we are parents too!) To register: Click Here. 
  2. Shadow Day: Friday, November 24th 8:00am-3:15pm. Students come for a day to experience what high school is like as a Great Lakes Laker! (Lunch provided). To register: Click Here.

What Are Our Tintern Kids Praying For?

Kindergarten - Wednesday Class Oct 18
Elet: praying that I look cool for my school picture and that we do well and stay safe playing in my hockey tournament
Claire: praying that Hailey and I get better at doing kickovers in gymnastics
Chloe: help me practice my roller skating so I can be in a parade
Peyton: praying that all my bruises go away, and my legs aren't sore from Wednesday night Bible class work out
Lucy: praying that I can do hula hoops & flips

Kindergarten Sunday Class
Lydia: praying for mommy
Levi: praying for mommy
Benjamin: praying for mommy and food

Grades 1-3 Sunday Class
Claire: praying that our trip to Mexico goes well
Aiden: praying for help with school
Knox: thankful for my watch and that I have spending money left over
Hailey: praying that Knox will be kind
Elizabeth: thankful for school
Devin: praying that work is fun this week
Megan: praying for help with eating better

Grades 4-5 Sunday Class
Ruby: praying that the cousins have a good vacation
Taryn: praying that Juniper gets better
Miranda: praying for a good week at school
Allie: praying that the art show at school goes well
Peyton: praying that my legs feel better
Steve: praying that Allie's Papa gets better

Kindergarten Wednesday Class
God, help me to forgive...
Lydia - Nora
Lucy - Niyah

Grade 1-5 Wednesday Class
Allie & Aiden: praying that our Poppa gets better from pneumonia
Miranda: praying that my friend has fun while she is at my house tomorrow
Hailey: praying that I have fun at City Kids with my Great Aunt
Knox: praying that Hailey has fun at City Kids
Claire: very thankful for my friends, especially Jace

Upcoming Events

Nov 10       Friday Night Connect
Nov 16       GLCHS - Amazing Race open house - Registration
Nov 24       GLCHS - Shadow Day, grades 7-11 - Registration 

eBulletin - If you have anything for the bulletin please send the information to tinternchurchofchrist@gmail.com.

Tintern Online - To watch live on our website click here https://www.tinternchurchofchrist.ca/watch. It will go live about 9:45 Sunday morning. You can always find us on Tintern's YouTube channel as well (https://www.youtube.com/user/tinterncofc).  

2023 11 16 GL Amazing Race - Open house.png 2023 11 24 Shadow day.png Hosting a FNC.pdf