eBulletin   -   Aug 01, 2024

August 1, 2024 eBulletin


Prayers - For Tintern's prayer list, check out our website www.tinternchurchofchrist.ca. The "Prayer Hub" button (top right corner or click here) is where you will find our list of prayers. You can also add prayers.

August Teacher Needs - We need a teacher for Gr 4-5 on Sundays in August. If you are available to help, let Megan know.

Kids Coin Collection - This Sunday is our coin collection. Our kids are going to help collect the money for the kids we are sponsoring. We are sponsoring two children through Christian Relief Fund - Dulce Velasquez (from Guatemala) and Ambar Gonzales (from Honduras) and also CityKidz in Hamilton. You can e-transfer money to tinternpayables@gmail.com, in the message box be sure to let us know that the funds are for the Kids Collection.  

Joel Osborne and Hiro Akahoshi Visit - We are excited to announce that Joel and Hiro will be here during the second full week of August. You'll have a few opportunities to meet with them and their families.
  • Wed Aug 14 Our midweek Bible Study will move to Noel and Julie's backyard. Bring a lawn chair so you can join our Bible Study and hear from Joel and Hiro
  • Fri Aug 16 We are hosting the Tintern Asia Mission Fundraiser at the building at 6pm
  • Sun Aug 18 Joel and Hiro will be speaking at Tintern and will have a brief presentation to share after worship
We pray for safe travel for Joel and Hiro and their families.

SINGspiration 2024 - Hosted by Camp Omagh, is our annual hymn sing event. Never been to camp? Now is your chance to check it out! Haven't been in a while? Come see what we are doing!
Everyone is WELCOME!
Bring your voice and your appetite! 
WHEN: Sunday, August 4, 2024 (during the Civic Holiday weekend)
6pm Singing
WHERE: 1014 Lower Base Line W. Milton
Join us for a BBQ at 5pm. Bring your lawn chairs as we will be eating on the grounds. There is no charge for the meal but donations will be gratefully accepted.
Singing will begin at 6pm in Johnstone Hall. We will be singing new and old favourites from the Songs for Worship and Praise collection. See Murray Hibbard on arrival if you'd like to be a song leader. A time of fellowship and a light snack will follow the singing. If you have any questions about SINGspiration, please contact us at info@campomagh.org

PS We are still accepting registrations for Senior Week 1 and 2 for ages 11-13 campomagh.org 

August FNC - Join us on Friday, August 9 at the building from 7-9pm for the Tintern Olympics! We’ll do a devotional, have some sports you can compete in (or cheer on!) and then an awards ceremony. Snacks will be provided. Bring a friend!

Tintern Men's Breakfast - Don't forget our next Men's Breakfast on Saturday Aug 10 at 8am here at the building. We're looking for a couple more volunteers to help with getting food ready and clean up. Contact Noel if you can help. 

Japan Mission Night & Fundraising Dinner - We are excited to have Joel & Kristin Osborn and Hiro & Megumi Akahoshi visiting in the Niagara region in August. The Mission's team has organized a fundraising dinner at Tintern on Friday August 16 at 6pm. To purchase dinner tickets please click here. More details are in the poster below. 

Japanese Sisters Tea - Women are invited to come meet our Japanese sisters, Kristin, Megumi,Misaki, Natsumi on Saturday, August 17, 2024 at 10:00 – 12:00. Ontario Street Church of Christ, 439 Ontario St, St. Catharines. Share some Japanese culture, enjoy some refreshments, devotional and prayer. RSVP by August 12 –Church office 905-935-9581 or Valerie Lane 905-682- 8162  churchofchrist@bellnet.ca.

Camp Omagh Kitchen Help - Noel and Devin are directing Week 4 at Omagh this year (Aug 18-24) for ages 11-13 and we are looking for 2-3 kitchen helpers for the week to assist Patrick Hunter-Buffington (our head cook). If you can help and would like to join our Team contact Noel or Devin for more details.

GLCH - We have openings for dorm parents in our female dormitories this September. Please see the attached ad. We appreciate it if you could share this information with your congregation. If you would like more details or prefer an alternative format, please reach out at careers@glchs.ca.   

This posting can also be found on our website at https://glchs.on.ca/about/job-opportunities/.

Annual Family Feud Survey - Our annual game of family feud is almost upon us! It's time to start surveying the congregation. We are aiming to survey 100 people. The survey is 30 questions. Please click the following link to take the survey. https://forms.gle/265tWQWHKRHCp1sK7 

Safe Families - Our Discernment Committee introduced Safe Families a couple of months ago and we want you to save the date of our next information / training meeting. Join us here at the building on Monday Sept 16th at 7pm to learn more about how you can serve as a "Family Friend" Click here for more details or contact Noel. 

Service Sunday - We are looking for some volunteer help organizing our next Service Sunday event. We need 2-3 people to work together to line up volunteer opportunities for the day, coordinate a lunch, and communicate our plans with the congregation. Contact Noel if you would like to be a part of the planning committee.

Save the Date - Noel and Julie Walker will be hosting a wedding reception for Megan and Devin at the church building on Friday, September 27th. All are invited. More details to come.

Giving More in 2024“Feed the hungry, and help those in trouble. Then your light will shine out from the darkness, and the darkness around you will be as bright as noon.”  Isaiah 58:10  Wow! About 95 items were donated for June and July. Thank you to everyone who has helped Tintern help others. During the month of August we will be collecting school items. See the image below. A paper copy is in your Tintern mailbox. All non-perishable items are appreciated. 

Participation - If you would like to participate in A/V ministry, song leading, praying, sharing communion thoughts, reading scripture, family time announcements or teaching/ helping in the Sunday School/Wednesday night program, please reply to this email or speak to Noel, Megan or Margaret. 

Niagara Christian Gleaners - Niagara Christian Gleaners is an amazing, volunteer based ministry. We’d like you to consider getting involved and to come and join our army of volunteers. The opportunities abound and every volunteer makes a difference as we prepare nutritious dehydrated food aid for those who are in need - all across the globe. We operate a modern food plant located in the heart of the Niagara Peninsula. To learn more please visit our website:  www.niagaragleaners.org.

Newsletters - Attached are the following newsletters:
  1. The Haven;
  2. CityKidz; and
  3. Gillian's Place.

What Are TINbits Praying For?

Grades 1-3 (July 14)
Claire: that the drive up to SPCC goes well
Aiden: my family
Hailey: thankful for family
Maddie: For Pete, Ollie, and Kiana's family
Lyla: for the Whitfield's and Mogford's
Ms. Minter: that all the kids go safely to camp

Kindergarten (Jul 21)
Eva: For everyone at camp staying safe and having fun
Lucy: Thankful for a lovely rack

Grades 4-5 (Jul 21)
Miranda: Kendra's family
Ruby: Healing for Grandpa
Maddie: safe travels for our road trip
Lyla: Healing for Grandpa

Grades 1-3 (Jul 28)
Knox: For everyone at SPCC and thankful for my new sweater
Hailey: Thankful for a safe ride home from SPCC
Claire: That my brother has a good time at SPCC and mom has a safe ride home
Aiden: That my bug bites get better

Grades 4-5 (Jul 28)
Ruby: for a safe drive to the US for a family trip
Peyton: that Chloe has a good birthday
Allie: for Taryn's head
Ms. Lacey: for the Whitfield and Ellis families
Ms. Bethany: that I feel better and can go back to work since I have been sick

Upcoming Events:

Aug 4     Singspiration @ Omagh
Aug 9     FNC @ 7pm
Aug 10   Tintern's Men's Breakfast @ 8am
Aug 16   Fundraising Dinner for Joel & Hiro @ 6pm
Aug 17   Japanese Sisters Tea @St. Catharines Church of Christ 10 am

giving-more-2024-august.jpg 2024 08 04 Omagh Singspiration.jpg 2024 08 07 GLBC.jpg 2024-japan-mission-night-fundraising-dinner-image.jpg 2024-july-glchs-job-ad-dormitory-parent.jpg 2024 08 31 VoH Food Drive.jpg 2024 09 04 Meester Ins Golf Tournament.png 2024-09-21-annual-beamsville-district-lions-food-drive.jpg 2024-alumni-friends-weekend.jpg 2024 09 28 Fling Off King Street.jpg 2024 from Zambia Missions - Help Brian Get Medical Treatment.pdf 2024 07 31 CityKidz Update.pdf 2024-08-01-august-news-from-gillians-place.pdf QR Code for Auditorium.jpg